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Some merchante get the best they can; some get the meanest they can. Your dealer in lamp-chimneys-what does he get for you? There are common glass and tough glass, tough against heat. There are foggy and clear. There are rough and fine. There are carefully made and hap-hazard. You can't be an expert in chimneys ; but this you can do. Insist on Macbeth's " pearl top" or "pearl glass" whichever shape you require. They are right in all those ways ; and they do not break from heat, not one in a hundred. Be willing to pay a nickel more for them. Fittsburg. O EO. A. MACBEia & 00. The earth's fifteen hundred millions of human iiihabitants epeak 3,034 different lhnguáges and possessabout one thousand different religious beliefs. Leaf by leaf the roses fall, One by one our dear ones die. O. to keep them with us still! Loving hearts send up the cry. Wlfe and motaer, O how dear, Kading like a mist away. Father, let us keep them here Tearfully to (lod we pray. Many a wife and mother, who eeems doomed to die because ehe suffers from (iiseapes peculiar to women, which saps her life away like a vampire, and baffles the skill of the family physician, can be Saved by emplqying the proper remedy. Tiiis remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the greatest boon ever conferred b man on weak, suffering desluiirirg women. It is a specific for all phases of female weakness, no matter bat their name. Landlord: "Janitor, I hearababy crvuij.'. I told you to rent norooms in this flat to peop'.e with children." Janitor: "That 'un was born liere." Landlord: "Please 'em that sort of thing must'not be repeated." I Was A Fooi. Yes, they said I was a fooi not to try Sulphur Bitters for Rheumatism, from which I had suffered over two yeare; but I liad tried so many doctors and medicines without getting relief that I was discouraged. I aui now on my fourth bottle and almost cured. I was a fooi that I did not try that wonderful remedy before.- C. G. Pratt, Manchester, N. H. 2 Two Kiiigg. George Washington was the father of country, and we celébrate his birthday. Jason Gould is the owner of his country, and we do not even know the date of his birth. To Tbe Pnclflc oasf . Go to California via the through Iines of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad gauge, througli car Iines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, - through interesting cities andunsurpassed seenery. Dining cars all iho wav. 0 EXCUBSIOH TO MAKYI.AXI. OniiortmiilirN tbe Graviiii: h Excursión tickets toHagerstown, Md.. and return, will besold May 20th to 28th inclusive, from all B. & 0. points (vest of the Ohio River and counections at one fare for the round trip. Tickets good nntil June 30th, with stop-over privileges at one intermedíate point east and west of the Ohio Kiver. At Hagerstown low rate excursión tickets will besold excursionista to 1!. c O. R. R. points in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. & O. Agent fo rates. Information about low-priced lands, investmentst thriving towns, etc, will be Buppüed by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent. O B. & O. R. R.. Baltimork, Md. Throneli Scveu States. Couimenci Dg March29th, the Northern Pacific will resume its doublé daily passenger train service between St. Paul and Minneapolis on the east, and Helena, Butte, Spokanefalls,ïacoma,Seattle and Portland on the west. West bound trains will leave .St. Paul at 'J.-00 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. respectively, carryin complete service of Pullman First Clase and ïourist Sleeping Cars, First and Second Class Day Coaches, Free Colonist Sleeper and Klegant Dining Cars. The morning traiu out of St.Paul [No. 3] will carry First Clase Vestibuled Sleeper from Chicago, lea higthat point al " 30 p. m. daily over the ( '.. M. & St. P. R'y, reaehing the Pacilic ( via the line through Butte. Train No. 1, Ieaving St. Paul at 4:K p, m., will carry both Pullman First Class and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars from Chicago via the Wisconsin Central Line, Ieaving the latter point at 10:45 p. . daily, running via Helena to Spokane Falls, Tacoma and Portland. Passengere from the east Ieaving St. Louis in theforenoon and Chicago in the ifternooii, will make close connections with the morning train out of St. Paul the following day; Ieaving Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train No. I OUt of St. Paul the next afternoon. Witli two transcontinental passenger trains running daily between eastern and western terminals, the Northern Pacific Railroad - the Yellowstoue Park Route - offers the best. possible service to the tourist, business man or settler. The equipment on tliis line is unsurpassed in point of beauty and convenienoe, while the service is first class. lt is the short and direct line to Montana and all Xorth Pacific Coast points, and passes through the grandest, most productive and richest sections of seven states, via: Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Uist riet Passenger Agents of tho Northern Pacific Railroad will take pleasure in supplying information, rates, maps, time tables, etc, or application can be made to Chas. S. Fke, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn. AVrite to above address for the latest and beRt map vet pubüshpd nf Alaska just out. (l


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