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Michigan State News

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Eeports to the state board of health by seventy-one observers in (lifterent parts if the state for the week ended June è Lndicated that cholera morbus, infkunnuition. of the brain and dysentery i.ereas.Ml. and membranou-s croup, cholera infantum; scarlet fevor and whooptng cougb decreased in area of prevalenoe. Diphtberia was reported at twenty-two places, scarlet fever at twenty-four, typhoid fever at seven and moasles at thirty-two places. Boltl er#' ami sailors' Kciriion. Thi' Branch County Soldiers' and Sellors' association held ita annual rennion at Coldwateri efbout 100 comradesbei b. Short talks were made bv Maj. Turner, Capt. Compton, :i. A. .1. Aldrich and otlicrs. The followlng were chosen officer.s Ui ' year: President. K I). Newbèrry; seoretary, L. A Triskett; treasurer, ('. V. Owen. The neit reunión wil beheld in Coldwater the sec 'm .hm ■. 1892. I !: 1 li of Capí. .:ln-.trr. Cap! :i ï n Georjfe M. Chester, one of the best-kni)vn newspaper men of Michigan, dici in Detroit ajpedSSyean. He was connected with the Detroit Free Press for many years. His service was, however, interrupted by a gallant career in the army and by professional Work in other cities. lle returnod to Detroit and the Free Press in 1878, and continued in its service until his death. shc ftobbd hy WfaelsAlei Jlarv Bolduc was arrestad at Ironwood upon suspicionof shopliftin, and search of lier t-.i(iiii revealed live large trunks filled with dry g-oods. laces and embroideries. many yards of rags and carpets stolen from merchants of Irqnwood and Hurley, Tbe value of the plunder is estimated at over S'2,000. Miss Bolduc was believed to have accomplices. Balota of ni i - In. f of I'ollce. The body of ex-('hief of Pólice Wayne McCruinb was ïound on tin' state fair grounds at Lansing1, 2 miles from his home. Death resulted from adosa of carbolic acid taken with siiieidal intent. Recent business reverses, coupled with anticipated trouble over the dispoaal of som e chattel-raoïi a-ed property, eau d. Dls&ppotllted in l.ove. A very sad suicida h;is just come to light. Miss IJ rtha Wilsey , aged 17, oi Alamo. took morphine and died. She ;tsi.'il I11 r mother'a fbrgive&ess f or anythini; shi' had done, and it i-, known sho was iinhappy orer a love affair. No inquest was beid, as the faota ore only made known after the funeral. Michigan HhtorUal Society. The Michigan I'ioneer and Ilistorical society held its seventeent'n annual session at Lansing. The secretary's report showed a raembership of 750, a gain of 16 since last meeting'. The receipts were 85,762. 13 and the disbursements 84,784.33. Fifteen members died durin the year. Short luit ■ liifni. A Norway itorekeeper named John Oooney feil dead in his store. The Michigan Central railroad company is about to give Jackson the benefit of a belt line. It wlll be used mostly for freight and connect the various inanufactoriis. J. A. Morrill's bain in Yale was struck by lightning and burned. A stallion worth 81,000 was cremated. Big Rapids has organized acoal com-pany with 82,000,000 capital to deyelop coal mines in Kentueky. J. J. Hoimeyer was struck on the forehead with a board in a sawmill at Fillmore and instantly killed. Jerry Angelí, of Calkinsville, took strychuine for quinlne and is dead. The propertj iu Detroit is valued by the assessors at S174,835,S10, an increase of 812,921,740 in a year. I!ay City Lambermen shlpped 47,014,000 f eet of lumber, 7,810,000 shingles and 2,613,000 laths duriny May. John Quick, a farmer residing near Jackson, broko his neck by a fall from a tree. At Bay City E. S. Fitch & Co. 's fertilizing works were totally destroyed by flre. Loss, S30,000. Edward KempIer, a fireman, was fatally injured. The Hanover women have organized an auxiliary G. A. B. relief corps, with Mrs. Ella Smead as presiding officer. John Beal, 7 years old, of Dimondale, tried to catch on behind a wagon, when his foot uaught in the wheel and he was so badly injured that he died. Stephen Baldwin, a wtll-known citizen of Hülsdule, had a ïatul stroke of paralysis He luid resided in Hillsdale about twelve yeara. William Quick'a house in Oakland eounty, 2 miles from llolly. was burned, wlthaloa 0 . lnsmvd for 8800. Mrs. Frod Bishinger, of Mount Clemens, was foimd daad in her house, her clothing havhiti taken iiiv. Eomeo'i new roller mili, which will have a oapacity if about seventy-five barrols per d;iv. will be in operation September l. Top l by C O. liarkrr. of Chicago, was wroeked at Beavera an'd a total loss. ( 'hai-lcs Seidell. of Eas1 Grand Eapids, vlio pleade 1 Kuilty to blgamy and who has a record of tivr Uring wives and no divorees, was suntenced to Jackson prison for three years. Johany Welch, a 5-year-old Bay City lad, set flre to liis clothing while playing near a gasoline stove and was fatally burned. M. W. Smith sold the first wool marketed in Marlette this year for twentyfive cents per pound. Fire destroyed the Eaglo Ilarbor hotel, Frank Iiowden's store and dweiling, and the residences of Charles Sehwartz and Mrs. Williams. The total loss was i,000. The Houghton mining school closec its spring term and annual examinations and the students were jfiven a yacation uutil June 2!, when the field work and sumtner terrn opens.


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