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" Continual dropping wears away the stone." The continual breaking of amp-chimneys costs a good deal in the course of a year. You can stop it. Get Macjeth's "pearl top " or "pearl glass." You will have no more xouble with breaking from aeat. You will have clear glass nstead of misty ; fine instead of rough ; right shape instead of wrong; and uniform, one the same as another. You will pay a nickel a chimney more; and your dealer will gain in good-will what he oses in trade; he will widen lis trade by better service. Pittsburg. GEO.A.MACBEIH&CO. I A Democratie l'oinl of View. The Democratie party is und-r no obgation whatever to Mr. Cleveland; but even if it were, it should not be asked ei gaeriflee il.self for the gratiiication of ii.s perponal ambition. - Albany Tiinef. I Waa DlsaMd wit ti thelearned doctors after wallowna; iheir costly medicine in vain for overa year for the relief of catarrh in uy head, wlien I cured mjsell by using vx boltles of Sulplinr Bitters. My wife s n'iw taking tliem for nervousdebllity. - Abiel Carter, Parker Housf, Boston. 2 Too Truc. "Most of tlie literature published fir myn days is tinhealthy." ''I know it, but unhealthy as it i- liere is no killing it." I ACl'RSIOX TO MAIlïl.A.VI-. (■lr!ii.iii s t Vlsit llic Growl SoiKll Excursión tickets to Hagerbtown, Mil., and return, wil! be.sold May 20th to 28th inclusive, from all B. & O. pótate nest of the Ohio River and connections dt one fare for the round trip. ïick.-i good until June 30th, with stop-.over privileges at one intermedíate point east and v est of the Ohio River. At Hagerstown low rate excnrsi n tickets will besold excursionista to B. & O. R. R. pointsin the Shenandoah Val ley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply to nearest B. & O. Agent fo rates. Information about low-priced landt, investments, thriving towns, etc, will he supplied by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent, 0 B. & O. R. R.. Baltimorb, Md. To The Pnolflc t't. Go to California via the through Unen of the Burlington Route, from Chicago or St Louis to DeDver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines ol the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Raihvays, via Leadville, Gle'iwood Springs and Salt Lsike, - th rough interesting cities and unsurliassed scenery. Dinins; cars all the way. 0 New Equipment tn WjkbiiMti. The Wabash Ríilroad has j'.ist placed on its day trains between Cliicaff and St. Louis a line of elegant nev Wagner buffet parlor cars. These car make direct connection atSt. Louis with through sk-epers for Hot Sj)rings and the. Bouthwest. The night trains on the Wabash running between Chicago and St. Louis have lont; had the distinction of being the tinest in the West, thf-ir compattmi'iit sleepers being especial ly popular. Tuis new departure brings their d-iy trains up to the same standard. 51tf Throuicli Keven States. Cuiuuieiicing March 29th, the Northern Pacific will resume its doublé daily passender train service between St. Paul and Minneapolis on the east, and Helena, Batte, Spokane falls, Tacoma, Seatt.le and Portland on the west. West bound trains will leave St. Paul at 9:00 A. m. and 4:15 p. M. respectively, carrying complete service of Pullman First Class and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Fi rst and Second Class Day Coaches, Free Colonist Sleeper and Elegant Dining Cars. The morning train ■ mt of St. Paul [No. 3] will carry First Cla.-s Vestibuled Sleeper from Chicago, leavini that point at 5.30 p. m. daiiy over the C, M. & St. P. K'y, reaching the Pacifii! Coast via the line through Butte. Train No. 1, leaving St. Paul at 4:15 p. m., will carry both Pullman First Class and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars from Chicago via the Wisconsin Central Line, leaving the latter point at 10:45 i m. daily, running via Helena to Spokang Kal Is, Tacoma and Portland. Passengers from the east leaving St. L'iuis in theforenoon and Chicago in the afternoon, will make close connections with the morning train out of St. Paul the following day; leaving Chicago at nigbt, connection will ba made with Train No. 1 out of St. Paul the next afternoon. With two transcontinental passenger 1 rai ns running daily between eastern and western terminals, the Northern Pacific Hailroad - the Yellowstone Park Route - offers the best possible service to the tourist, business man or settler. The equipment on this line is unsurpassed in point of beauty and convenienee, while the service is first class. It is the short and direct line to Montana and all North Pacific Coast points, and passes through the grandest. most productiva and rfchest sections of seven states, viz: Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Daltota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. District Passenger Agen ta of the Northern Pacific Railroad will tak pleasure in supplying information, rates, maps, time tables, etc., or application can be made to Chas. S. Fbe, G. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Minn. Write to above address for the latest and best map y et published of Alaska - just out. . 0


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Ann Arbor Register