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Sylvan will hereafter have two voting precincts. Rev. M. H. McMahon, of Dexter, is in New York city. L. E. Sparks, of Jackson, has bought the Chelsea milis. Fifty-five Ypsilanti LIght Guarda go into camp this week. Miss May Judson is now assistant in the Chelsea postofliee. About l!00 acres of cucumbers are growing near Grass Lake. The Cheli-ea school board have decided to hire anotber teacher. N. W. Holt, the Manchester miller. has BftCured a patent for a belt-drive. Edgar Cranson and Cliarle3 Vanliiper of Webster, have erected new barns. Manchester ereamery made 11600 pounds of butter during the month of June. Over geven hundred of gnrvel have been placed on the Chelsea streets this year. Louis Sturm, of Saline, was bitten last week by a little cur. Muzzle your dogs, neighbor! The new South Lyon mili will be running by the time new wheat is ready for market. LastSunday services were held for the last time In the old Methodist church in Ypsilanü. Eleven sheep belonging to Henry Fullington, of Augusta, were recently devoured by Uogs. Each member of the Dexter Woman's Relief Corps uses a fan kindly furnished by V. L. Northrop. liev. E. H. Conrad has organized a Sunday school at Birkett. Chas. Rockwell is superintendent. O. M. Kelsey, of Saline, bas received from the state tisli hatchery 12,000 eels. He placed thera in three mili pond. Mis. James D. Downer has secured in the Livingston county court a divorce from her husband. Both were formerly residents of Chelsea. After the storm last week, Mrs. D. 1'. MacLachlan, of York, gathered several dishpans of iiail stones and used them in makiiig ice creara. Accórding to the Grass Lake News, h family in that village has 50 chickens and 11 "of ihem belong to the church. Next.- Chelsea Herald. Patrick Noon's barn in Manchester township was struck by Jightning during a recent storm and entirely con'sumed, together with many tons of hay. Misses Mamie Murdock and Ollie Pacey are the delegates from the Dexter Congregational church to the National Sanday school convention at Minneapolis. George Kay Frederick "Werner, a Manchester boy, was arrested for larceny last week. The justice let him go bat threatened to send him to Lansing if the ofl'ence was repeated. The following are the newly elected oflicers of the I. O. O. F. lodge in Dexter: T. J. Kitter, N. (i.; C. II. Stannard, V. ;.; K. A. Goodwin, Recording Secretary; Frank Phelps, Treasurer; S. 1.. Jeimey, Representativo to the Grand Lodge. Two weeks igo David Grimes, of Watetloo, lost his pocket-book and advertised it in the Sun. While cleaiüng out the kitchen wood box a few days ego his wife found the pocket-book. We hope she clalmed the reward. Mora!, advertise, it pays to advertise. - Stockbridge Sun. Many people have concluded that our ripening iields of wheat are rusty on account of their peculiar red color, but this s owing to the nature of a new kind of wheat which bas been largely sown in this section of country, anïl which is very plump and freo from rust. - Dexter Leader. While delivering a load of plants and flowers at the depot yesterday rnorning, Bev. S. Calkins' horse became frightened at the car?, and although the Reverend made strenuous efforls to hold it by the bridle, he was unable to manage it and was thrown down and the wagon passed over hirn, bruising bis back and body quite seriously.- South Lyon Excelsior. Again we hear from the far west. Our old chuin and schoolmate, Bert Bliton, has landed at Florence, Oregon, and seated himself in the editor's chair. He sends us a copy ot the new sheet enlitled "The West," which we can testify to as being a bright and newsy sheet and we extern! to Bert in his new fiel tl eur best wishes for succes?.- Saline Observer. One of the fornier business men of our village, Jauies Litchiield, is looking iip old landmarks around town, being here for the first time to stop since he was 45 years old. He is now past eighty and says it seems like a dream that he was ever here, although apparently in the fu!) po98ession of his faculties. It is tonching to hear the old gentleman teil of by-gone days. - Dexter Leader. It is said that the meanestyoung man ia-the 6tate lives in Grass i-ake. He 4iss Oot from the papers accounts of people dying from cream poison and pasted the ui his bat. When he visits his giri he leaves that hat on the center table so that she cannot help notice pasted notices and read them. He says it is a great scheme and works so wel! that she bas nut asked for ÍC6 cream once thia year. - Chelsea Ilerald. The case of assault and battery be',a C. M. Smart and S. W. Killingbeok, of Augusta, carne off lust Tuesday in F. P. Bogardiib' ofliec ín Ypsilantl. The jury found a verdict of guilty, and Mr. Killiugbecji came down with fivu dollars end costs, which amounted in all to twenty dollars and eighty cents. We underst.uid that Mr. Kilüngbeck has returued the compliment by arresting ■Smart for slander. - Ypsilanti Commercial. M II. Wilise mastered that old serpent, the devil, several years ugo, and has ently kept liim mider foot ever siuo but last week, while he was pokunong the weeds back of his suop iavestigating with his lingers as to the Iqcation of his grouud telephone wire tangible serjent came near conquer iagüim.for lo! within six inches of his s a rattlesnake, and a live one too, but H. V., true to his instinct, sooi


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