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Fruth Medical And Surgical Institute

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. Formcrly of New York, uow the celébrate I Examintng Pbysician of the Frctii Medical and Surgícal Institlte, Chicago, 111., by rcqucst of many Priende and Fatieuts. has declded to vislt ANN ARBOR, Thursday, July 30, 1891. Consultatisn and Examination Free and strictly Confldential, in the Private Parlors of the CO0K HOUSE- one day only. B faBt : - ■ ■ ' : ■ -■''";aBj o' IDK,. A.. O. Fi?,"U"TH, CxuslniBt Phyüician of the Permanenlly Established and IncorporaU-d under the laws of the State of Illinois' with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and Sexual DUeaaes, Cdturrh, Astlmia, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervous and Special fiisea-si'S i f Men and Women! Ably ni.sted by a fnll si a ff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every departtuent of medicine and surgery. Female Disensos positively cured by k ncver Marriage - Married persons or young men faillng inethod. A home treatment cmirely liarmcomemplating marriage, awarc of physical weakloss and casily applled. Consultaron Tree and ness, lo.ssof proereativc powers, impotency, or aiiy strictly coufidential. other dlsqualiflcation, speedily restored. r 'jÍE""1' &OfT yai? of cxPcrien, ' lierEpllepsy or Fits positively cured by our new fected the i niost iiifmüWe metaod of euring ital and never failing Hospital treatment. drain m Urine. Nm uirnal losaeB, JnipairedMem ory, Weak Back, IKlaneholy Waut of Energy Kidney and Bladder Diseaees, Bright's Disease. Premature decline "f the Wanly Powera- thow Diabetes and kindred maladies, treated and cures terrible disorders ariting from ruinous practiees of effected in thousands of cases that had been proyouth, blighting the most radiaut liopes, reiulerij(g nounced bcyond hope. marriage unhappy Private Diseases-Blood Poison, Syphillis. Gonoumaybeiutheñrstaai;e,remi'mbtTyoiiare orrhoea, (ileet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varico, approaching the last. lf you are borderlng uuon cele, Loss of Sexual Power, and all dlseases of the the last and are euflering all lUefleott, remember genito urlnary organs speedily and permanently that if you obstinately persist m procrnstination, cured. No riks iiicurred. Consultation free and the time must come when physicians can render strlctly confidential. Medicine sent frec from obclosèd0aSainst1"ouWhen "' dr f h0PC "''" bi servatlon t0 aI1 Parts of the United States. tYoungBmnenwho, throurt lnonuu o, the thí'funimSÍSSSchroncWtothS' careleas exuberance. of youthful snirits. have been -oSumitiön and dvsX a mirreifulW treateS' ing their nealth and emblttcring their after livea ■ mut hlii tiwrlinm hji nmvoH wnrthv KteníesuUsáílfní W '" 'Ota' ot " WeSo bette? proïf ZtÏÏl lmpotenty results, cali with full confidencc. cess than thc testimoniáis, on file at the instituto Piles Cured without pain, knife or cautery. ofthoutandsofhelplesseasesthatwehave restored No detention from business. to health and happiness. Free Examination of the Urine. - Kach jerson applying for medical treatment should seud or bring an ounce of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and microscoplcal examination. WflWflPC Pil? PnC P? Perfected iu old cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treated. VYUilUblViUU bUiVilM No experiments or failures. Parties treated by mail and express, but where possibie, personal consultatiou is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. Cases and correspondence confldential. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. List of IS1) questions free. DR. ÏRUTH, Chicago, Ills. State address, for couvenience of lns Michiuan at;eu;s, is Lansisg, Mich. m


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