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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advertisements, such ai To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not expeeding three unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 2.1 cents. WANTEI. WÁNTED.-A good experienced canvasser can línd steady employment, right here at home ata good salary, by applying immediately at The Register Office. WANTJED-A young girl to do light housework In the country. Address P. O. Bx. 1484t W" ANTE - Qirl for general housework! Small family. A good glrl will find a desirable and permanent place. Cali 42 Thompson-st, Joel Miner. 65 WTED - Girl to do general house work. Permanent place. References requlred. In at EO Thompson-st, after Jnly 6, 6i WA NT El TO RENT.- For nine months or one year, from Oetober 1, a new 6ght room house, furnished for housekeeping. AU modern conveniences. Address Mrs. Scnriver, corner Hill and Statest. 61 WANTEit.-At Ihe Register lïlndery, No. 12 of the U. of M. Daily. A good price will be paid for the issue to complete the year's file. 64 Summer boardere. Board 52.60 per week. Single room with board JS.'.O. 15 N. Btate-st. ' 63 FOB SAI.E. Fnt s.ll.i: A largequantity of heavy wrappine pa per, suitable for putting under carpets, also ola news papers for sale chtap at The Regis, ter office. I7OK NAIE. - New milch cow and caïf, A1 Shorthorn breed, for f ale cheap. Address Box 1323, City. 66 LMiK KENT.- Good pasture andlênöTof X1 water, ÏY2 miles east of Ann Arbor. Addres8 George Green, Ann Arbor. 66 I.MK SAI.E.- First class furce pump lor sale 1 cheap. Enquire 33 E. Libertyst, City. 64 FOR A niceTarge Wardrobe. Inquïrè at 59 K. Libertyst. 6i li-'OR SAI.E. - A donkey, euitable for ljght JL1 work, or for children. Apply at this office. A. Z. 61 iABMiOR etAI.K-The Bullock orEverett ' farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 10Í acres; house and barns. stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the beet and in good condition. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on oraddress Andrew E. Gibson, 9 8J[n(jalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. 60tf FOR SAI.E- Our nice Pony, " Kltty Clover," with Buggy and Harnees. E. B. Hall. 56tf FOK SAI.E- The Horee, Buggy and Harness formerly owned by Mrs. S. S. Cowles. 12 room house, No. 53 North-st. Six room house, No. 63 Miller-ave. Ihesé two propertles are offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Moobe & Tabee. 49tf ÍPOK SAI.Ë- Horse, Phaetoñünd Cutter. Inquire at 36 Williamsst , or at my office. No. 5 N. Main-st. J. Q. A. Sessions. 41tf FOB RENT. np KENT- Eleven room house heated by X furnace, East üniversity-ave. Also best part of large house on Spring, st. OK KENT.- Furnished House (new) con Hill and East University, eleven rooms. Apply to A. W. Hamilton, Hamilton Block. 65 'po KENT.- A fine house and barnsT BeautïÍ fully located just outside the city, and 39 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. 8. Mann, 32 E. Hurou-st, Ann Arbor. 62 tt fOl A House on Packard-st, eigh. Rooms. Apply at 65 sonth Fourthst, corner ofPackard. 64 tfOR Bent- A uine room house on West Lib' erty-st. $1.50 per week. Inquire at Eber White place. 65 ij'OK KENT- Farm to rent, 2)A miles from SaF lem, for cash or on shares. 20Ü acres plow land, good barns and plenty of them. Water in barn yards and elsewhere ; fences good. Inquire of A. il. Clark, Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, saline. 46tf LNT- A lace HandkerchieV, between Unlveralty and 8. State, or in University Hall. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returntng eame to 13 Monroe. 64 GEÖKUINA F. OROUTT.- WiU _give lessons in painting Tuesday and Thursday momings at nine o'clock. No. 10 North State Street. 61 pHIJLDREïr. - Tutored during the summer. VFor particulars cali at No. 11 south Division-st. "Vf OTICE- Mrs. Dakin, 16 Volland-st, will give il lnstructlons on the piano and organ. She has had nine years experience in teaching the art. Terms reasonable. Cali and see her orleave address at Register office. 65 Losr. sibaïkd OK stolen. -From the subscrlber, a sorrel, white-faced, watcheyed mare, Mustang Pony. Any Information concerning the where abouts of said pony will be suitably rewarded. Dr. Elias Smith, Whitmore Lake, Mlch. 66 GIRLS WANTED ! Permanent and Steady work. Earn from $5.75 per week up. Board, $2.00. MICHIGAN OVERALL MFG. CO., IONIA, MICH' SAMPLE SALE! Having bonght a line of Samples of Women's Misses' and Children'a SHOES of the Celebrated line of H. H. Gray's Soxs. I will sell them at Manufacturera' prices. Women's Turns and Weits, $3.87 a pair. Costing in our regular stock $5 to$6. Children's for $1.00- regular price $1.50. Misses' for $150- regular price $2.35. Come early, as there are but 200 pairs, so as to get your choice. Look at our $1.00 Over-Gaiter, the best in the city. Samuel Krause, 4=8 S. rMIHST ST.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register