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Three thrething machines were uuloaded at Chelsea last week. Chelsea, last year, paid $5,350.81 for the maintenance of its schools. A new school house will be erected in the Everett school district, six miles Bouth of Chelsea. . Frank Sweetland's barn near Chelsea burned to the ground, last week, together with sixty tonsof hay and eight hundred pounds of wool. The Glazier-Strong Oil Stove Company have rented the Babcock building, f'ur their office and store rooms. Mrs. Chas. Canfield has been visiting in Plainfield. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hatch left for Hartford, Conn., on Monday,July 20th. Miss Anna Howland, of Akron, O.. and Miss Mar; Floyd, of Detroit, are he guests of Miss Myrta Kempf. Geo. Bei k with has the contract for building a tchotol house in the Everett district' The Y. P. 8. C. E., of the Baptist church, strved ice cream in the McKone block, on Saturday evening. Dr. Geb. Primer bas had a hard wood floor laid in his dining room, which is reported to be the finest in the county. l.imn. JohnMitchell.cousinofG. H.Mitchell, returned from California last week. Wheat is about all secured. A. C. Mas6oney, of Chicago, is vieiting her sister, Mrs. Fannie Freer. Wiek McLaren and wife spent Sunday at Whitmore Lake. There will be a dance at the town hall Friday evening. .tlilau. Dr. Messick and family returned from a three weeks' visit, Thursday evening. Mrs. Olcott is entertaining a brother from the upper península for a few days. Mr. Crandall returned from a long visit in New York state, the last of the week. Six of our Milan boys attended the Wheelmen's convention at Detroit last week. A. W. Keynolds is in Bay City, visitj ing friends. The following corps of teachers are elected by the school board for the next year: Principal, Prof. G. A. Dennison; assistant, Aliss Gertie Hanson; grammar, Miss ,1,11a Murray; intermedíate, Miss O. Eaton; second primary, Miss Effie Haight; first primary, Miss Anna Dalaforce. Warren Babcock, jr., has been engaged as assistant professor of mathematics in the Agricultural College. Master Emerson Rouse, of Lodi, is visiting at his grandfather's, J. C. Rouse, for a few days. Mabel Allen, of Ypsilanti, was the gueel ufMiss Fannie Day, the lastofthe week. Chas. Thompson is in Chicago. Master Lester Blintl is visiting his sffiter, Mrs. Chas. Case, at Limbertvillc Died, July 7, Walter Cook, aged twenty-eight yeiir,-. 'l'he funeral was held at the Laudon church, Thursday. Webster. A liyely skinnislliy miliiiaiuen took place on the farm of Edgpr Olsaver, of this town. Sonie damage was done to ernps. Isaac Terry bas returned fionj his trip to Missouri. The Congregational Sanday school hold a picnic at l'ortage Lake on Saturday, August 1. Meidames ffayley and Schairer, of Ann Arbor were in town Tuesday. Miss dag and her brother, Master Robert, is visiting Mr. Phelps and family. Mrs. James Beatty, of Howell, was in town this week.


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