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Ka(I ItSIOM TO JliKÏI.AM). Opportnnltlea i vixil Ibe Growlng Soul h Excursión tickets to Hagerstown, Md., and return, wil! besold May 2Oth to 28lh inclusive, from all B. & O. points west of the Ohio Kiver and connections at one fare for the round trip. Tickets gooci until June 30th, with stop-over privileges at one internipdiate point eastnd west of the Ohio Ri ver. At Hagerstown low rate excursión tickets wiil besold excursionists to B. & O. R. R. points in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Apply td nearest B. & 0. Agent fo ratcs. Information about low-prioed tanda, investments, thriving tonns, etc, will he supplied by M. V. Richards, Land and Immigration Agent, 0 B. & O. R. R.. Baltimore, Md. For Over Flfty Y cars Mn. WinsIow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the (hild, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy forDiarrhcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. O To The Pncilic Const. Go toCdlifornia via the through lines of the Burlington Route, from Chicngo or St. Louis to Denver, and thence over the new broad gauge, through car lines of the Denver and Rio Grande or Colorado Midland Railways, via Leadville, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake, - through interesting cities and unsurpassed soenery. D i n i n r cars all the way. O ' IiiI)im 11C on Mie uii ish. The Wabash Railroad has jast placed on its day trains between Chicago and St. Louis x line of elegant new Wagner buffet parlor car.-!. Tliese cars make direct connection at tít. Louis with thtough sleepers for Hot Springs anci the Southwest. The night tr;üns on the Wabash running between Chicago and St. Louis have long had the distinction of being the finest in the West, their compartment sleepers beinsí especiallv popular. Thi". new departurë brings their day trains upto the sauis-s-tandard. 51tf ICARJER'SI 1 ■ ILliWa CURE Blek Beadache and relieve all the troubles Incf öent to a bilioua state of the systom, suoh a9 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsinesa. Distresa aftec eating, Pain in the Sido, fea. While their moet remarkable succeas has been ehown ia cuttOg , SICK Headaehe. yet Carters Little Llver Plllfl aw equally valuablo ia Constipation, curing and prö venting thisannoyingcoiaplaint.wbilo they als9 correct all disorders of t hes tomach.stiraulatetha livcr and regúlate the bowela. Evea it tUey oaly HEAD cbs they would be almost priceloss to thosa wbO e ufer from thia distreasing compiaint; but t ortaEately their goodneeedoea notend hero.andthoea who once try them will find these little pills valueblein somany waystbatthey will not bo willing to do without them. But af tor allsick boad ACHE Ifl the bane of bo many Uves that here is wheK Womakeoiirgreatboaat. Oor pills cura itwhlla others do not. Cárter" Littlo Livor Pilla are very emali and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. Thoy are st rictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by their gentle action please all wha nsethom. lu vialsat25cents; liveforll. SOld b; droggista ever jwliero, or seut by "ili CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALLPRICt NEW ADVERTISEMENTST CUBANPARROTS My 6r.Kt importation has arrived. They are FINK, IIKvl.i'HY rvKJlols and will make good tal kers. 83.00 each. Send for one at once , 69 WILSON'S BIKD STORE, Cleveland. Ohio. milArBalld Tumors CÜRED .- no knifo: liflllllP Khook f ree. .Graticí.-t & Norbis UlIIIWbll No. lciKlm Street. Cincinnati, O. 11 !■ BI W ' INVISIBLE TUCUUI EAR 9m Hm f% I CUSHIOHS. Wl.ispors beard. Com. h -thlv. Nnrrcfdl whurf all llrminful. Soldbj F. HISÍOX, MJjj Dlti-j, Aw Kwtb 1 ilc for kvIprvaliriiülU #Dr. GrösvënöPs Bell cap-sic "M-t„,t, Dl ACT PP I 1 Rliumtim, neuralRi, pVnrisyund lumbnijüB .1 ■ 'V I I)niES,st.B !' Parker's Ginge'onïoItcuwuïieworstCoügh oak LUDO, Dtbfl&, Indigestión, Pain, Takc in time. 30cta. HINDERCORNS. The only 9ure cure for Comn. Stopt II pain. 15c ut JDruggists, or UISCOX & CO-, N. Y. ffr MitchelTs Kidney Plastcre t ■-- - -SJ AbBorb pU disP!ji'? in ihv. Kidncyaanc f j retitore4hcm. to a hea.iïiy coni!i;;i u. iVüL chronic kidney Bttfferera 1 1. they gat no relief until ttor :.':o MXTCHEIiX8 rit)..: :v I'lastfiís. . : -..'.HifqcvTTwhcre, orsentl y izin'A "n-r, tktr Warkm% LwUf Mnu H F lfll All I R"' Frencl L II Hl I Female Pillis are "" ■■■■■safeandreliable; ontalns Tansey, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Neverfall. At drug stores, or by mail, securely ealed, in plaln wrapper, for $1.00. I. N. Reed, Agent, Toledo, O. Wholesale by Wnxuna, Sheley Jt Brooks. Detroit Mich. MProf. I. HUBERT'S ALVINA CREAM For ll'iiiit Ifyiii i hr Complexión. finovps ftllFrecklee, T)in. Sunburn. Pimpltm, lÁTñt m ma, and ot lier i in pur f". 1 i . s Xot rovering, but i mnu : ill blemishps, fini permanantlr rastonng tb plexion toitBoriginnl frepbnaea r'.r ut font Drugjist, or BentpoetpiHon recept ol price- -jOr. Prof. I. HU6ERT, T'„LtDO. OHIO.


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