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_Jm JVrRST CLAS9 The LarfCBt, Fotcst and Flnwt '".L? W0'14 w yorkT ïonoondïrrT ano 'glásgow Cibcassia Aue. 6 Flenkssia Ang. 15 ethiopia " 8 cltyor rome.... " '0 Anchoria " 13 Circassia „ " 22 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates onlowestterms to and irom the principie SCOTCH. ERGLiSK. IRISH AND ALL COKTIKENTAL POWTS. Excursión Tickets redueed7 made available to return ity eitlier the Plcturesque Clyde & North of Ireland, or Naples Gibraltar. nRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS FOR ANY ANIOUNT at lowtst currvnt rat-t. Apply to any of our local afrente, or to HgNDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JAME IE. 15 1 II. A?nt. The Best in the World. The "DAVIS' OVER HALF A MILLION IN ÜSE m MP1 Ik FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. DAYTON, O. CHICAGO, ILL. Capacity, 400 Machines per Day. NEW SHOPS OF THE DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CA AT DAYTON, OHIO. 10,000 ACENTS WNTÊÜ Gen.WM.TECUMSEHSHERMAN i. ■■■!'. U.KTIlltll JdliS-OI W Thi work ia a spleili.'h, written . ft -'"r of the Heroof MarcbU W ing through Georgia1' - his rotftïh'f :- mantic youth-Bnlliant Career JtB! rwS in War - Patriotic Maphood- ö, , Beautiful pld AgejOf rttiífíwj w"' B and will have an KnormoiiH r" ''A1-' '" 12 mo. 6OOpp. lo;v piice. VËÈtf Jk i2(l tn 50 P'r tre-l; for Agente HÉ. Send 35c. for outfit or best terma JmUKmf i ui 1:1; v i;! bros., rui., is!S St Lont, Mo. ' [pose's extract CloverIlossoi CANctW Fcmale Wcakncss Sores, Ulccrs, Tumors, Abscesses, Klootl PoUonlng, .S:ilt Bheum Catarrh, Eryslpelas, Kheumatism and l Blood and Skin Diseaes. Price$i. p Bottle. or 6 Bottles forS5. i Ib can Solid Extra ■ 52.50. J. M. LOOSEJRED,CLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. Soid bv aiidruggists. Xhíí my mc4koiN Tor W. . IBoiijcIiis Kluns ir nol for nU'liiyuiirplacciwk your deHlr l hiiI lor cniHlone. Ñcriirt' llie jif4'iu'.v, itiifl p I Ilipin Tor JOH. Í3TTAKE NO SL' BSTÍTUTE. ja WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENOMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY ? ït Is a seamless sho with do tacks or wax thread to hurt the f eet; made of the best line calf, stylish and easy, and beca use ice makemore shoes of this grade than any other man-utwturer, it equals bandsewed shoes costinK froni $4.00 to $5.U0. ÖE UO (■euiiiuc Haiul-Nfw (l, the flnest calf Pïli shoe ever offcrcd fur $5.(W; equals Fruuch imported shoes which cost f rom $S.(X)to 12.00. A Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe fine calf, ♦■ stylish, coinfortabh aud durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grado as custom-niade ahoea cofltlng from $6.00 tu $).Q0. flJO 50 l'olice Shoe; Farmers. Railroad Men POi and Letter Carriers all wearthem; flnecalf, seamless, smooth Insiih', tnavy three soles, exten1 Btoo edgp. One iair will wettr a yar. dr) 50 fiue onlf; no bfttcrslioc ever offered at Pmh this prlce; one trial wül convince those who want a Büoe for comfort and service. ÖïO 5 i "tl tl.00 'rkiimninirfi shoes i&mmm are very Btrong and durable. Those who have glven tlit'in n trial will wearno other make. nnUC 83.00 and Sl75 Bchool vhoea are DUJ9 worn bytfae boys every where theysell on thcir merlts, ai the u ■ -how. ■ aHinc:!'IHI Haod-ewel shoe. best LnCIÍJ IC8 Doj vlUli; L'quals Freueh importad ah I rom W.0Ö ti t6 l.n.lifs' a.ÖO, 82.00 and 1.75 hoe for Mla eaarethebesl BneDongola. Stylish and durable. ('auiioii. thftt '. L. DoukUis name aud price are statu ped uu the bottom of cuch shoe. V. L. DOÜGLAS. broc-ktou, Mass. WW. KFJMIAUDi A CO. 19 S. Mftln St.


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