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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such ae To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not excceding three Unes, can be Inserted three weeks for 35 cents. WANTF.IK WASTED-A competent cook, laundress and general house servant at 85J East Washington-st. 69 A good giri for general house work. Must have references. No. 5 Cornwell Place. 68 Three or four lady or gentlemen canvassera. to sell Domestic, White and Davis Sewing Machine. No prevlous experience required. will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F. Schnh. 67 WAHTED.-A good experieneed canvasser can find steady employment, right here at home at a good salary, by applying immediately at The Register Office. WAXTEI.- At the Register Bindery, No. V of the ILof M. Daily. A good price will be paid for the isiue to complete the year's file. 64 FOR SALE. fiUR SALE, (HKAI1. - One Folding BeT, 1 cost 840; one Alaska Refrigerator, Ï1S; on e Gold Coin Coal Stove, Ï35. Good as new. Adderss, Mrs. Geo. W. Millen. Concord, Mich. f,9 FOK SALE, 'IIKAP. - Fresh Milch Cow, 33 Millerave, or6 E. ETuron-st. M ITiORlsALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whit" more Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and expresa office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 67tf irOR SALE OR HF.Jit.- Four new houses 1 with every modern conventence, on Hill-st and Forest-ave. Inquire of Henry Richards, 9 Detroit st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 68_ Fok SAL;.- The James Morwlck Hooseaix] Lot, Ko. 74 East Washington-st. Inquire of H. W. Cheever, No. 10, N. Fourth-st. 71 (OB SALE- A quantity of machine oil. thip1 ped us by mistake by a whoiesale dealer. This will besold ata bargain in order to avoid the necessity of returning it. Iaquire at the Register Office. FOK SALE- A large quantity o flieavy wrapping paper, suitable ior putting under carpets, also oíd newspapers for sale cheap at The Regis, ter office. TÖARM FOR WALK- The Bullock or Everett x1 farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containing 109 acres; house and barns. stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good condition. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Jngalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mich. 60tf FOR SALE- The Horse, Buggy and Harness formerly owned by Mrs, 8. S. Cowles. 12 room house, No. 53 Northnst. Slx room house, No. 63 Miller-ave. 1 hee two propertles are offered cheap to close an estáte. Apply to Mooke ATabeb. 49tf Ï7ÖR SALE- Horse, Phaeton and Cutter. In1 qulre at 36 Williams-st, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-st. J. Q. A. Sessions, 41tf HIK RENT. FOR Rooms in The Hamilton Block. Sultable for light housekeeping. Steam heating. Apply to A. W. Hamiinn, Hamilton Blook. 68 To KE.M. - Eleven room house heated by furnaee, East Untvereity-ave. Also beet part of large house on Spring st. Chas. D. Duncan, 76 Miller-ave. 67 TO KENT.- A fine house and barns, Beautifully located just outside the city, and 39 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. 8. Mann,32E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 62tt T LET. - Choice clover and limotliy cow pasture with clean puie water outState-6t, one mile from Hillst. L. Bassett. 69 TTNFljRSilSHED rooms, cor. Jefferson and U Division-sts., in suites or othcrwise. A.M. Clark, 47 Divlsionst. 69 I.OST. LOST.- On Sunday, July 19, lul, between Ann Arbor and the George Button farm, a lady's small silver watch and cnain. The flnder will be liberally rewarded by leaving same at f chairer & Millen's Store. 67 SAMPLE SALE! Having boiight a line of Samples of Women's Misses' and Children's SHOES of the Celebrated line of H. H. Gray's Sons. I will seU them at Manufacturera' prices. Women's Turns and Weits, $3,87 a pair. Costing in our regular stock $5 to$6. Children's for $1.00- regular price $1.50. Misees' for $150 - regular price $2.35. Come early, as there are but 200 pairs, so as to get your choice. Look at our $1.00 Over-Gaiter, the best in the city. Samuel Krause, 48 S. MAIN ST. GREAT REDUCTION IN HITS -FLOWERS For the next sixly days. It will be to your advantage to cali and examine beforc huying elsewhere. Will offer 100 Hat at 20c each; all good shapes. Also great bargains in trimmed Hats. Muil make room for f all and winter goods. x MBS. E. ROEHM, 10 R WASHINGTON ST.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register