Real Estate Transfers
The real estáte transfers for the week ending August 8, were as follows : N. H. Isbell to Chas. Murry, lot near union school district lot, Saline village t 100 Helen C. Swift to M. E. Fletcher, part of w V, B e '4 sec. 3, YpsilanU town _.. 6,000 Jno. H. Schllcht to W. J. Schlicht, ant sec.35andund. %se i n w % sec. 13, Sharon 4,000 A.E. GouldtoR. S. Case, land on sec. 29, Ann Arborcity 1,300 Corliss & McLaughlin to E. E. Schoff, lot 18, College HUI add. Ann Arbor 360 Theo. fiupp et al to J. M. Schaeberle, Ann Arbot - 2,000 L, and A. Buss, by guardián, to J. M. Schaeberle, part of lots 3 and 4 block 2 sof Huronst range 3 e, Ann Arbor 2,000 M. J. Ryan to D. F. O'Brien, lot on Grove-st, Ann Arbor "00 Wm. Maynard, by admr., to Augustus Mogk, Ann Arbor 35 C. B. Hutchlngs to H. B. Hutchings, lot 2 block 7 s of Huronst range 11 e, Ann Arbor. - 1 Susan A. Granger to J. H, Nichols, part of lot 11 block 3 s of Huron st range 9 e, Ann Arbor 4,0011 Sanford Reason to Belle Reason, nwsw li sec. 21 and s e J4 s w K 9c. 21, Dexter... 1 J. O. Goodrich to E. R. Beal, lots 312, 813, 314, 315 and 31, Park Ridge subd,, Ann Arbor 175 O. B. Hall to E. B. Hall, part of n w M n e Vt sec. 33, Ann Arbor 1 Catherine Kane to J. and 8. Allmendinger, part of s w V. sec. 21, Ann Arbor town 975 E. B. Hall to F. A. Bogle, part of n w i n e Wsec. 33, Ann Arbor 4,600 C. 6. Wilson to O. B. Throop, iwjínwií also part oln Í ie ü n ir J( sec. 33, Augusta 1,000 J. A. Polhemus to Lewls Ronde, lots 18 and 19, Grand View subd., sec. 80, Ann Arbor... 300 W J. Havden to W. and E. Howard, lot 6, block 2, J. D. Baldwln's eastern add, Ann Arbor '00 C. F. Vnterkircher to L. Schlewis, Manchester 1"5
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Register
N. H. Isbell
Charles Murry
Helen C. Swift
M. E. Fletcher
John H. Schlicht
W. J. Schlicht
A. E. Gould
R. S. Case
E. E. Schoff
Theodore Hupp
J. M. Schaeberle
E. Huss
A. Huss
M. J. Ryan
D. F. O'Brien
William Maynard
Augustus Mogk
C. B. Hutchings
H. B. Hutchings
Susan A. Granger
J. H. Nichols
Sanford Reason
Belle Reason
J. C. Goodrich
O. B. Hall
E. B. Hall
Catherine Kane
J. Allmendinger
S. Allmendinger
F. A. Bogle
C. H. Wilson
O. B. Throop
J. A. Polhemus
Lewis Rohde
W. J. Hayden
W. Howard
E. Howard
C. F. Unterkircher
L. Schlewis