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Mother and Ctaild ure Dolnff Well. Mre. ...

Mother and Ctaild ure Dolnff Well. Mre. ... image
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Mother and Ctaild ure Dolnff Well. Mre. Brown was sick. Her friends said she would neverget well. "What'a the trouble?" "0, some kind of female weaknees. The doctore have given up her case as hopelese. 'She may live for gome time,' they say, 'but as tor a cure, that is quite out of the question.'" "I don't believe it," said a woman who heard the sad news. "I don't believe she's any worse off than 1 was five years apo, Irom the sanie trouble, and I don't look very much like a dead woman, dol?" She certainly did not, witli lier rrl, plump cheeks, bright eyes, and 150 poundsof good healthy bone, blood and flesh. "I'm going to see her and teil her huw she can gt-i well." ühe did ro. She advised Mr. Brown to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Mrs. Brown took the advice, also the medicine, which cure all kinds of delicate diseases, so cointnoii among women, and- (?ot well. That was two years ago. Last month ehe preseuted "Mr. Brown with a ten-pound son, and "mother and cliild are doing well." Mcotch Thrlfl. A yoang Scotchman was once halting between twn loves, one possessed of beauty, the other of a cow. In despair of arriving at a decisión he applied for adv icé !o a canny compatriot, who delivered himself thue: "Marry the lass that has the too, for there's no the deeference o' a coo's value in any twa weemin in Christendom." Blood Polson Is very apt to follow contacts of the hands or face with what is known as poison ivy, especially in hot weather or ifthe body is perspiring freely. The trouble would subside for a' time, only to appear again in aggrayated form when opportunity offerc The great purifying powers of Hood'B Sarsaparilla thoroughly eradicate every form of poison from the blood, as the cures it has accomplished conclusively show. It also cures scrofula, salt rheum and all other affections arising fromimpureor poisoned blood. Vnreasonable Jealousy. "Sir," said the husband witli some heat, "I do not like the familiar way in which you conduct yourselftomy wife." "Familiar, sir; why, less than a year ago she promised tobe a sister to me al way s and things have come to a pretty pass i f a brother can't enjoy the society of his sister without her husband setting jealous." I have been bothered with catarrh for about twenty years; I have lost sense of smell entirely, and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needie. Now I have my hearing as well as I ever hal, nd I can fee to thread as fine a needie as ever I did, my sense of smell is partiy restored, and it Beems to be improving all the time. I think there is nothing like Ely's Cream Balm for Catarrh.- Mrs. E. E. Grimes, Rendrill, Perry Co., O. 2 AlwajM a s.iir for Treason. The way to find favorin modern Democrats is to get converted from Republicanism. Palmer of Illinois did it; Governor Campbell of Ohio did it; Governor Gray, of Indiana did it and Governor! Boies of Iowa did it. Eenegade Republicana easily kick aside the old wheel horses of Democracy and take ihe best things in sight.- ínter Ocean. What It Dof. Hood's Sar8aparilla 1. Purifies the blood. 2. Creates an appetite. :!. Strengthens the nerves. 4. Makes the weak strone. 5, Overcomesthat tired feeling. (i. Cures scrofula, salt rheum., etc. 7. Invigorates the kidneyg and liyer, 8. Relieves headache, indigestión, dyspepsia. The Henpeetted Han. "There is no place like home," he said with & sigh And a sad and a weary air. "There is no place like home. and that's just why You so seldom flnd me there." We Pray l.oiigmt When in trouble, never thinking we are to blame for our misfortunes. If you have a taint of scrofula in your blood fret rid of it. Hibbard's Herb Extract is warranted the best blood purifier in the world. Read of Mrs.Hibbard's case in another column and you cannot help believing it. Look at III ui ! A year ago he was not expected to live. Liver complaint almost killed him. He tsot great relief from three bottles of Sulpnur Bitters, and six bottles cured him.- Editor Weekly Sun. 2 Great Fan for Thomas B. There is no man alive today who has as much fun in store for him this winter as the ex-Speaker. The fun will be with the untrained, unwieldy and divided majority in the next House, and no one can see him or hear him without tasting a little of the fun in anticipation. - l'hiladelphia Press. A Model Rallwaj . The Burlington Route, C , B. & Q. R. R., operates 7,000 miles of road, with termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Denyer. For speed, safety, comfort, equipment, track and efficiënt service it bas no equal. The Burlington gains new patrons, but loses none. o They Dare Not Do It. Do the Demócrata who are talking about attacking the McKinley law in itsleading provisions in Congress next winter design to make any assault on the sugar or reciprocity sections? These are the leading provisions of the law, but not a single Democrat in either the House or the Senate will dare to attack either.- St. Louis Globe Democrat. l.iwMrw Try Great French Remedy. Dr. Le Duc's Periodical Pilis from Paris, France, act only upon the generative organs in fe males, and positively cure suppression of the men8us (from whatever cause) and all periódica! troublea peculiar to women. Established in Europe, 1839England, 1850. Canada, 1878; United States, 1887. A safe, reliable remedy, warranted to excite menstruatation, or money refunded. The larger portion of the ïlls to which ladies are subject is the direct result of a disordered and irregular menstruatation. The American Pili Co., proprietors. Price, $2. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggiste, Ann Arbor. Mich. o


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