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OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Advettisements, such as To Kent, For Sle, fmd Wants, not exeeeding three linee, can be inserted three weeks for 88 cení. WATEI. WAN rElK- A girl for general housework at 23 North Univereity Avenue. 70 W ANTEO- Two or more unfurnished roome In Ann Arbor. Address oon 616 Oak Street, FlintMleh, 70_ TJI7AIIÍTEI.- By August 25th, i.flrBt-classcook Vi for a table of twelve. No washlng. Reference required. Apply to 25 East Lawrence-st. 70 WAKTED-A competent cook, laundress and general house eerrant at 85" East Washington-st 69 A good íírl for general honae work. Must have references. No. 6 Corawell Place. 68 ASÍTEB.- Thiee or Tour lady or gentlemen canvassere. to Kil Domestic, white and Davis Sewing Machine. No prevlous ezperience required. will par salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F.Schnh. 67& FOR SALE. LTOR SALE- House and lot north east corner "of Ann and Thayer. Address, H. W. Geer, Ypallantl, Mlch. 70. FOR SA I.E.- 8ix room house No. 63 Millerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf FiOR NAI.E CHEAP.- Good cook stove and some household furniture. Inqulre 38 E. Washington st. 70 R SALE CHEAP. -A laree "Paris Range," used only one Winter. Inqulre Schuh & Muehllg. 70 FOK SA1.E. CHEAP. - One FoldlnfTBêd, cost 140; one Alaska Refrigerator, 818; one Gold Coin Coal Stove, 36. Good as new. Adderss, Mrs. Geo. W. Millen. Concord, Mich. C9 FOR SALE, CHEAP. - Fresh Milch CÖw, 88 Millerave, or 6 E. Huron-st. 69 17ÖïTsALE.- Farm of fony acres at Wb.it1 more Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, barn, and Bheds. Flnest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and exprese office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor,90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 67tf FOR SALE OR KEJII'.-Fout new houees with every modern convenlenct, on Hill-st and Forest-ave. Inquire of Henry Richards, 9 Detroit et, Ann Arbor, Mich. 68_ FOR SALE.- The James Murwick House and Lot, No. 74 East Washington-st. Icquire of N. W. Checver, No.,10, N. Fourth-st. 71 POB SALE- A quantity of machine oil, shipF ped us by mistake by a Wholesale dealer. This will be sold at a bargain in order to avoid the necessity of retuming it. Inquire at the Register Office. FOR SALE- A large quantity of heavy wrapping paper, suitable for putting under carpets, also ola newspapers for sale cheap at The Regis. ter office. FARM FOR ALK- The Bullock orEverett farm, 3 miles we6t of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 109 acres; house and barns. stock and well water, timber; school and church within a mile; land naturally the bestand in good condltion. Prices and tenns reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew L. Gibson, 9 S. Jncalls-st., Ann Arbor, Mlch. 60tf ITÖRBALE- Horse, Phacton and Cutter. InV quire at 36 Williamsst, or at my office, No. 5 N. Main-et. J. Q. ASeaeions. ltf T HE ÊXPOSITIÖN.- For the Detroit Fair andExpositiontheC. & W. M., and D. L. & X Railways will sell excursión tickets August 25th to September 4th, good to return until September 5th inclusive, at one lowest fair for round trip, with fifty (50) cents added for admission to the Exposition. These lines are the "favorites," t Detroit. Geo. Dk Haven, G. P. A. 70 FOR RENT. FOK KENT.- Rooms in The Hamilton Block. Suitable for light housekeeping. Steam heating. Apply to A. W. Hamiltin, Hamilton Block. 68 TO KENT.- A fine house and barns, Beauti fully located just outslde the ctty, and 89 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. 8. Mann, 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 62tl TO LET. - Cholee clover and timothy cow pasture with clean pute water out Statest, one mile from Hlll-st. L. Bassett. 69 TTNFIJRNI8HE rooms, cor. Jefferson and U Division-sts., in suites or othcrwise. A.M. Clark, 47 Divlsion-st. 69 L.O.ST. LOST.- Between Delhi Mills and Ann Arbor, a black Cheviot jacket. Finder will receive reward upon leaving it at The Register office, Ann Arbor. 70 NOTICE.- Dr. A.C.Nichols'office will be closed until the 25th, owing to hls absence from the city. 70 $25 REWARD ! LOST !- A email, black leather Pocket-book, containing a Diamond Ring and a Diamond Pin, on Saturday forenoon. The above reward will be paid for their recovery. J. L. BABCOCK, IÜ Bi. Divislon-üt, Ann Arbor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register