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Dairymen are delighted with the promised provisions for the dairy exhibit at the Colnmbian fair. The board of managers have decided upon the erection of a suitable building, which, with lts outbuildings and yards, is to cover five acres of ground and cost $75,000. Tbe 'TBÈJ&SmwSSi ÏÏJS&t. World iEW YORK. LONMNDÏRRY ANO GLASGOW Anchoria Aui. 29 Ethiopia Sept. 12 Fl'knkssia sept 3 anchoria. _ ' ClRCASSIA " 10 FüRNfSI " 19 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR ANO NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-CLABS AND STEERABE ratcsonloweVtt.Tmstoa'iclírinn thc principie SCOTCH, EüGLISH, IRISH MD ALL CO NTI H E MTflL PQIKTS. Ei.'ursion Tickets reduoed. made available to return by either the Picturewpie Ctyde & North of lreland, or DRAFTSANDMONEVfRpTRsToRANYAMOUMT Apply to nny uf our local ntíents, or to HENDÉRSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JANK! II. 1!AH. Aseut. LOOSE'S EXTRACT ñas CLOVER.BLOSSOM Female Weakness Sores, Ulcera, Tumors, Absoouses, Blood Folsonlng, Salt Kluuin Catarrh, Erysipelas, Kheumatism and al Blood and Skin Dineasos. Price f i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Boules f or 5. i Ib can Solid Extra H.50. J. M. LOÓSE RED .QLOVER CO Detroit. Mich. Soid by aii druggi.t. Ask ni y niceiim for W. i . nonglns SImm's. Hum fur ale Ín. vonr place ask your dpxler to fur cataloitiie, secure the HKent-.r, nml tltein for yon. HTTAKE NO SUBSTÍTUTK. X WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GERMEN THE BEST SHOE ÍN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY ? It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax tbread to hurt the feet; made of the best flne calf, sty list and easy, and because we tnake more shoes of this grade ttuin any other man-nacturer, it equals haud sewed shoes costiug from S4.0U to $3.00. CC 00 Genuine Hand-sewed, the flnest calf 9wb shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals Freueh lmported ahoes which cost from $8.00 to $12.00. CiA 00 lJautl-SewtMl Welt Shoe fine ealf ■ styllah, oomfurtable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus tom-made shoes eosttng from $6.00 to $9.00. oq 50 Holice Shoe; Farmers, Kallroad Men POi and Letter Carriers all wearthem; flnecalf seamless, smooth inslde, heavy three soles, exten sion ele. One pair will wear ayear. BO 0 fine calf; no better shoe ever offered at 9mb this price; one trial will convlnce those who want a shoe for comfort and service. flO ''5 and S'2.00 Workineiiian'a shoes 9" are very strong and durable. Those who have glven them a trial will wear no other make. pAUC) 3ii.00 and M.73 school sboea are DvJO worn by the boyseverywhere; theysel on theTr merits, aa the iucreasing sales show. ■ aJjae $3.00 Hnnd-ftewed shoe, best bdU IvO Dongola, verystyllsh; eaualsFrench lmported shoes costinKfrom $4.00 to $6.00. Liadies1 4.50, 4.00 and 81.75 shoe for Misses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable Cantion.- See that W. L. Douglas' name aut price are stoinped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM. UKINH ARDT A CO. - v42 S. BffalnSt


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