Horticultural Matters
Many interesting points connected with the last meeting of the Horticultural Society are contained in the report of the secretary, Prof. Emil Baur. Jacob Ganzhorn gave a history of the spread of the yellows in the peach belt on Lake Michigan, which destroyed whole orchards. He stated that the committee had detected yellows ia the peach orchards in this vicinity and had gone to work, according to law, to have commissioners appointed, to see to the destruction of the trees infested by the yellows. The same law applies to the black knot in cherry and plum trees. The yellows seem to appear also in the city limits, but tlie mayor and city attorney declined to co-operate with the committee and the commissioners. B. J. Conrad remarked that the commissioners had a right to extend their duties into the city limits as the city was located within the township of Ann Arbor. B. J. Conrad, cliairman of the committee on transportation, reported. He read correspondence with leading commission men of Detroit, which showed that the society did not need an agent In Detroit to take charge of the fruit car. On the 27th of July, when a heavy shipment went down to Detroit Mr. Conrad took an evening train stayed at the Griffln over night and was at the depot at 4 o'clock a. h„ to see how the Ann Arbor fruit car was disposed of. He foumi the car in proper position. The two men connected with the railroad appeared. They at once separated the different consignments and placed them in position for the commission men to take their berry crates away. They handled our goods as carefully as the railroad men in Ann Arbor. Mr. Conrad also consulted H. W.Hayes, ticket and freight agent of the M. C.R. R.at Ann Arbor, who stated tüat the Ann Arbor fruit car would reach Detroit early in the morning unless prevented by an accident; that i oniy tüe railroad authonties could open I and diepose of the distribution of the I goods. The feasibility of sending a fruit car dunng the peach season to St. Paul was discussed. Mr. Conrad reported that 400 bushels were necessary to send a refngerator car, which would leave i here on Monday and arrive at St. Paul on Wednesday. A commission man of I kt. Paul wrote to him that even apples there were sky high. Some thoueht üoston or other eastern markets were better than the west. Jlh{mu !xchanKe," says Mr. Baur, will fanally become a neceesity, if bad I packing by growers and robbery by I unscrupulous commission men shall be I prevented." Many otber matters were I discussed at the meeting, of less I portsnce than those we have mentioned A party of about twsnty youngpeople I were entertained Monday evenimr at I the residence of Frank Parker. W. F. Stimson and family, I pil?rdy Mi88es Lmma E. Banlield I andNelhe Kyer, attended the golden! wedding annivwsary of Mrs. Stimson's I parents,inHastings,Mich. Afterwards I they spent eight days camping at Gun I
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