A Bride Soon Widowed
Findlay, O., Sept. 1.- A sensational Suicide or inurder occurred at the residencc of George W. WUely, 4 miles east of this city, at an early hour Monday morning, the victim being Orien Wisely, the eldest son of the gentleman named. Young Wisely ws secretly married Sunday night io a lady whom his parents had long opposed, because to a different station of life. This marriage under these circumstances seems to have unbalanced the young man's mind. He left his newly-wedded wtfe at midnight in this city and drove to his father's residence, where he was found dead Monday morning with a bullet-hole through the back of his head. It is supposed he committed suicide, but many circumstances point to murder, and the coroner's inquest may bring out new features in the case.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register