It Is Seldom That The Farmers Of
tenaw county have had an opportunity of listening to an address so full ofcomtnon eense as wasthat delivered byHon. J.J. Woodman at WhitmoreLake. Without beiag dogmatic, the speaker clearly exposed the fallacies of thofe who, in order to relieve agricultural depression, wish the government to Ínflate the currency. At the same time, Mr. Woodman did not shut h3 eyes to the real grievancea of the farmer and the most practical means of remeJying them. That monopoly and grain gambling are the worst enemies of agrieulturists admits of no doubt, and the speaker was quite right when he insisted that the "Big Four" and the boards of trade should be wiped out of existente. Appearing, as lie did, at a non-partisan meeling, Mr. Woodman doubtless did not feel privileged to express an opinión on the tariff as affecting the farmer's iuterests. Had hedone so, he would doubtless have shown clearlv the benefits which ure Hure to be derivcd from tlie reciprocity clause of the McKinley law. It is probable that the comparatively high price of wheat now prevailing is il uu largeiy to this policy. If the home market can be fortified and' the foreign extended, if monopoly and speculation can be crushed, if the currency problem can be wisely managed, there is no doubt but that farming will goon regain its oldtime prosperity. Dr. Deemi on the Modern Novel. "In what light do you regard the mod.grn novel?" was recently asked Dr. Deerns, pastor of the Chnrch of the Strangers, in New York. "I am hardly prepared to answer, because it ia such a mnltifonn question. There are novéis and novéis, and some of them are better t hun some preaching, and some of them are worse than some carsing. Take it all together, so fax as I have been able to perceive, there has been aateady ad vanee and improvement in the department of fictitious writing, and I thiak the promise is that this branch of ïiteratnre is to become purer and better continually. When the Christian minister remembers that the discourses of his Lord and Master, with all their sparkle and splendor, are the most exquisito and iflimitable novelettes, he can hardly find faalt with those disciples of the master ■wto write snch books as 'Ben-Hur,' and the etories of George Macdonald, of the Misses Warner or Mrs. Amelia E. Barr apdothers, nor can he find a fundamental ofcjection to the employment of that sbyle in elucidating archaeological and' philosophical principies."
Old News
Ann Arbor Register