La Grippe's Connection With A Law Case
La gnppe has been held responsible fot many things, and its power as a distarberof the ordinary relations of Ufe has invaded the courts. At Springfield, Mo., a lawyer lias taken an appeal from a justice because lus honor was suffering from a Eevere attack of the Rnssian malady when he rendered a decisiĆ³n in a case recently tried before him. Schloss Babelsberg, the late Emperor William's favorito residence, near Botsdam, has been placed at the disposal of the czar, whose visit to the Gennaa court is announced for the month of Angust. Theqneen of the Belgians has not been well since the sudden loss of her nepte w, Prince Baldwin. She suffers greatly from a nervous disorder and rarely appeare at court. The Duke of EJinhurg is :t i;oo1 fiddier. He is also considered the handsoinest man in Lindon, being over six feet in height, muscular in bnild, ruddy comjjlfxion in'l regular features.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register