A Prosperous Year
Mi. I 111..1I111. ni Din 1 Pasi Venr 2,036.- Review of ttae Work. o Different lirades.-Thc llitli ISclioo Has 79S Pnplls añil is I11 a Pros perous Condllioii-Conver8tiona GennaD.- Ií amber 1'nrsiii uk the Dif fercnt simlics. Prof. W. S. Perry, this week, presenta his twenty-first annual report as super intendant of the Ann Arbor schools He finds the population of the schoo district to be 9,974. The following table, which be presents, gives some interesting statistics: I " g L S S - = S 8 f I f Enrollment, boys 344 292 426 1.062 girls 354 254 366 974 Total 098 546 692 2,036 Average number belonging... 546 468 680 1,694 " ' dally attendance 526 452 649 1,626 Number of non-residents 341 41 37 419 Per cent. of attendance 96.29 96.44 95.40 95.90 No. men teachers and Supt.... 0 io No. vromen teachers 7 13 18 38 No. special teachers 8 Average days' attend. each pupil 149 163 162 158 No. of pupil8 to each teacher 35 36) 38 86 "The population of the district is more (465) than that of the city, beoause it includes considerable territory out. side of the city limite. "The total enrollment was sixty-one more than that of the preceding year, nearly all of whom were iu the high S2hool. TUE ROLL OP HONOR. "A small percent, of the pupils maintain their attendance without absence or tardiness throughout the year. The ïonor is so conspicuous that we publish the names. High school- Walter G. Curtis, Wallace W. Chickering, Albert E. Greene, Henry W. Kurtz, Anna M. Miller, Ellen E. Nagle, William Treadwell. For two years- Thercsa A. Grube, Viola M. Pettys. Eighth grade- GertrudeChute.Tisdale S. Walker. For two years- Clara L. iurtz. For three years- Fred C. Gauss ?or four years - Edward R. Muehlig. First ward school - Perry Briggs, tfatie Cady, Albert Dane.Bertha Eldert, ïenry Hudson, Daisy La-Bue, Emma Schleicher, George Swartout, Oscar Weitbrecht. Second ward- George Frey, Eüse Glassenapp, TiUie Hagen, Katie Stade Fred Schleicher. For two year3 - Herman Kuhn, Adolph Walker. Third ward- May Darrow, Johannes iVurster. Fourth ward - Theodore Dodsley, Fannie Duncan, Victor Kauffman, Ida Cuebler, Ina Stark. For two years- William Orr. Fifth ward- Simson Carson, Clarence Lennon, Julia Sharpe, Katie Sharpe. PE0MOTION8. The reeult of the year's work in the movenient of pupils over the grades below the high school is given in condensed form in the following table : tt ]_M lo. in classes at close of year 383 688 971 ;o. imperfectly classifled 48 3 51 ;o. promoted unconditionally 287 479 766 ïo. promoted conditionally 26 48 69 Extra promotions [skipped a grade] 12 G 18 o. returned to lower grade 18 12 30 Failed to pass from irregular . . . ftnco iQ is 25 The superintendent comments upon bis table- showing that 90 per cent. of he pupila of these grades annually pass o a higher grade. The promotions in he gramniar department were made without special examinations, the cholar's record being the criterion. THE LOWER GRADES. The kindergarten work has shown a ;ratifying improvement. The use of "roebel's "Gifts" is recommended. It e thought that the results of the iynlietic method of reading, i. e., building words from sound elements, which was ested at the Tappan school during the ast year, have been encouraging. The superintendent ia of the opinión hat arithmetic, lessened in quantity of naterial and detail of instruclion, cn e taught in the primary and grammar rades without lessening its value. The heoretical study should be postponed ill the high school is reached. The school board is urged to appoint trnant officer to look after wayward nd vagrant boys. ïhe list of topics issed by the teachers at their lonthly meeting during the past year s given, and the practical value of such it-elings is emphasized. TUK HIGH SCHOOI,. The number enrolled i the high chool daring the yeur was 698, a gain ver the preceding year of 54. The uition received during the year was bout $700 more t ban in the year'89-'9O mounting to $7,230. "Sueh an incomé 'rom tuition receipts," says Mr. Perry, enables usto retain the best of teachers and still keep the local cost coneiderably below the average cost of high choolB in large citiee." The equipment of the botanical laboratory is noticed. With regard to the omplaints that the high school work s made unnecessarily hard for pupils, he superintendent asserts that in his opinión the teachers do not, as a rule, ittempt to carry their work beyond the imits for admission to the University. 'he use of the conversatioual method in Germán, it is stated, has been of unloubted value to Ihose who have tried t. The faculty wiü endeavor hereafter o to unite the literary and colloquial methods as to reap the fullest advanagesofboth. The increasing numbers of the high school will soon make it lecessary either to re-occupy the third loor of the o!d building or hold two school sessions each day. The range of work and general character of the hig] school are to be found in the followin table: STUDIES. BOYS GIBU TOTA Latín 165 161 326 Greek „ 37 21 5 Germán _..,.. 71 78 14 Frenen ,... 9 22 3 English Literature 33 24 5 Rhetoric 26 26 5 American Literature 5 14 1 General English....; 220 229 44 Conversational Germán 27 40 ' English Grammar 66 108 174 Composition 63 82 145 Etymology . 4 14 18 Physics 90 63 153 Astronomy 40 3fi 7f flotany 94 104 198 Physiology 43 38 81 Geometry 74 59 13! Trlgonometry 13 0 13 Algebra 153 181 344 Aritbmetic 81 102 183 Clyil Government 28 18 46 English History 27 15 42 General History 101 95 196 Unittd States HiBtory 105 77 182 Politlcal Economy 14 23 37 Roman History 26 32 58 Greek History 17 13 30 Physical Geography 15 18 BS Chemigtry 55 42 91 Book keeping 68 28 % Commercial Law 19 14 33 The Buperinlendent speaks of the junior exhibition, the graduating exercisesand the alumni association. A complete list of teachers for the ensuing year is appended at the end of the report. '
Old News
Ann Arbor Register