SCHOOL SHOES ! WE HAVE EECEIVED THE BEST GRADE CHILD'S, MISSES', BOYS' AND YOUTH'S SCHOOL SHOES MADE. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR TO WEAR SATISFACTORY. DON'T FORGET TO CALL AND GET OUR PRICES. OUR WOMEN'S AND MEN'S, $3.00 WILL SURPRISE YOII. Samuel Krause, 48 SO. MAIN 8T. ice Cream. Vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachio strawberry, macaroon, tutifruitti.bisque' nonquat. AU Sunday orders should be given the day previous. tf E. V. Hanqsterfer. ÍS4. the 1891. PEOPLffS FAffi The 43d Annual Fair of the Michigan State Agricnltnral Society, Will bo held on its groands at Lausïng, On SEPTEMBER 7 to 12, 1891, The Exhibits will be Finer and Larger than Ever Before ! Imprevtd Lite Stock, the Latest Ideas in Maehinery, Implaments, Manufactures, Grand Display of Frnits and Flowers, an Attraotire Art nd Lidies' Department, etc., etc. Liberal Speed Premiums. Eren citizan of the State should b in attoaásnee at least one day. The State Fair is the people'a show, and bu been one of the greateet edacators ia improbo agncnltnro which has been within tha reaeh oL the farmers of Michigan. Half Faro on aU Railroads trithin hfl üfafr. JOHN T. EICH, Pr.eeidnt. SAMUEL JOHNSON, Lansing, SecretBir. C. W. XODNG, Paw Paw, rnwmtflft
Old News
Ann Arbor Register