Hayley & Davis
HA VING bought out the business of T. F. McDonald, 12 Forest-ave., after Ithoroughly renovating and repainting the store we are now ready with a full I line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES WHICH HAVK BEEN CAREFULLY SELKCTEi) AND ARE THE BEST IIr THE MA.RKET ! I These goods we intend to sell at the LOWEST possible CASH PRICE, We are siso city agents for MORTON ABRATED BREAD of Detroit, the flnest Baker's Bread ever sold in the city. ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OF FLOÜR constantly kept on hand at the lowest prices. Teas and Coffees a specialty. Cali and be convinced that we mean what we say. ' 12 FOREST AVE.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register