Surprise I All. After using "Mother's Friend" two months I was so speedily and easily relieved that it was a surprise to those attending me. "Mother's Friend" undoubtedly leesensthe pains.shortensthe time and restores the mother epeedily to health. Will recommend it to all expectant motherg, and advise them to use it. Mrs. J. A. R., Muncie, Indiana Sold by all Druggists. 74 Kcnntlfnl Staell Honey. The most beautiful shell money in the world is made of the abalone of our western coasts. When polished the abolone showsllovely green, purple and iridescent colors, and the Indians from California to Alaska value it highly as do the manufacturera of pearl buttons - Philadelphia Press. A Model Rallwny. The Burlington Route, C, B.AQE R., operates 7,000 miles of road with termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. For speed, safety, comfort, equipment, track and efficiƫnt service it has no equal. The Burlington gains new patrons, but loses none. 78
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Ann Arbor Register