Turnips For Table And Stock
The turnip holds its own as one of the staple products of the farm, the more delicate and finer flavored sorts being favorite table vegetables and the field varieties being a valuable aid to the digestiĆ³n of coarse fodder when fed to stock. With straw and a little meal, turnips f urnish excellent food for sheep. For the main fall erop, turnips may be Bown in middle and western states till the latter part of August. Our cut shows the f avorite strap leaf kind, of which there are several varieties excellent for market or family use. Forfall market purposes the White Egg, so called from Hs sUape, is aid to be especially adapted on account of its quick growth, white skin and sweet, firm and mild flesh. The white, flat Norfolk is a standard for field culture; it is fine for stock and much used for feeding with Btraw to sheep. It often attains a large size. The Pomeranian White Globe, which is very productivo and growa very large in good soil, is also a superior kind for field culture.
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