![Classified_ad image](/sites/default/files/aa_register/aa_register_18910903-p08-05.jpg)
73 Y THE WAY # HAVE YOU SEEN PIANO. We Sell It! And Others.' llmendinger Piano & Qrgan Makers and Sellers of Things Musical. FACTOJtT: SATESltOOMH: Cor. First & Wash. 8te. S8 8. Ma n St. CITÏ COTICES. Schuh & Muehlig have the contract or heating and plumbing O. L. Robinon's fine residence. A Bolterhot water ïeater will be used. Ice cream and Ices served to families nl,2, 3 or 4qt. bricks. Hangsterfer. tf Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. If you are anxioua to learn how to ceep cool, you can learn by Consulting Noble's new advertisement. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. People who fit up student's rooms must not neglect to see Martin Haller's urniture store. He makes a specialty of this clasB of goods. 71 Dr. Preston B. Rose is putting in a Cortón combination hot air and hot water furnace. Schuh & Muehlig have he contract. , Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. The furniture dealer, Martin Halier, ïas been in Grand Rápida and Chicago ■with a view to prepare for fall trade. He says he selected a line of goods that will surpass any thing that has been rought into our University city yet. 71 Mr. W. G. Dieterle has some of the nicest and at the same time the cheapest bed-room sets for studente' rooms in he city. You will save money by examining them before you buy. 71 Before furnishing that room or replacing that old set of chairs by a new one, cali on W. G. Dieterle and see his tocks and be surprised at his prices. 71 A. W. Britten has just completed the ainting and decoration of the Presbyerian church parlors, and other rooms n the basement. The work was neatly lone and reflects much credit upon Mr. ritten. His headquarters will hereafter be at 51 South University-ave. The third Sewing Machine club is ïeurly complete. Those wanting to subscribe should do so before Sept. lst. and take advantage of the low pnce and easy terms. You can choose from the Jomestic, White, Davis, New Home or American. J. F. Schuh. 70 OUR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adveitisements, such os To Rent, For Sale, and Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted three weeks for 23 cent. WAMTEO. WANTED- Competent girl for general housework who is willing to go to Chicago. Good wages, and traveling expenses patd. Address 51 E. LlDerty-st. 71 WANTKD - Young man, entering college, wants place to work In a family or store for all or part of his board. For particulars see Lew H. Clement, Ann Arbor. 71 Three or four lady or gentlemen canvassen, to ell Domestlc, White and Davis Sewing Machine. No previous experience required. Will pay salary or commission. Apply at once. J. F. Schah. 67tf FOB gALE, FOB SAUS.- Cheap, one Warwick Safety Bicycle, good as new. Enquire of No. 10 West 8econd-t. 7i FOR Signs "Rooms," 'Rooms and Board," "Boarding," -'For Sale," "For Rent," "Dressmaking," etc., etc., at the Register Office. 76_ FOR 8A1.E- House and lxt No. 54 south DiTision. Inquire at the house. 72 1TOR SA I,E- Household Qoods, Refrigerator, r Bedsteads, Dresser, Curtalns and Pole, Stoves, etc, 13 Wlllard-st. 71 tfOR HALE - Good family horse, perfecüy sound and gentle. Enquire at Stark & Q artee's Paint Store, 28 E. Washington-st. 71 FOR KALE OR KÏiNT- House of 12 rooms with furoace,and water connection, on Hamllton Park. Enquire at the house. 71 FOR SAI.E.- Sixroom house No. 63 Millerave. This property offered cheap to close an estáte, Apply to Moore & Taber. 68tf lOR SAI..E.- Farm of forty acres at WhitP more Lake. Soil, a level, sandy loam. Good house, barn, and sheds. Finest lake front. Five minutes walk from hotels, post office and express office. Two railroads. Cali on or address Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 67tf FOR SALE OH h EX I'.- Four new houBes with every modern convenlence, on Hill-st and Forest-ave. Inquire of Ilenry Richards, 9 Detroit st, Ann Arbor, Mich. 71 FOR The James Morwick House and Lot, No. 74 East Washington-st. Inquire of N. W. Cheever, No. 10, N. Fourth-st. 71 [OB NALK-A quamity of machine oil, shTrTV ped us by mistake by a Wholesale dealer. This will be sold at a bargain in order to avoid the necessity of returning it. Inquire at the Register Office. FOR SAI.E- A large quantity of heavy wrajTping paper, suitable for putting under carpeta, also ola newspapers for sale cheap at The Register office. ÍriAKM IOI1 The Bullock or Everett 1 farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station and 11 miles from Ann Arbor; containing 109 acres; house and barns, stock and well water, timber, school and church within a mile; land naturally the best and in good coudition. Also 40-acre farm for sale. The s V2 of the east y of the s. e. qr. of sec. 34 of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the county farm 3 miles from Mack & Schmid's, one and a half miles from city limits. First class land for peaches. Prices and terms reasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibson, 9 S. Ingalls-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. 60tf FOR REMT. ÏpOR KEN r.-Dining room, kitchen and one sleeping room at 51 South Unlversity-ave. Warmea by fumace. Snitable for club board. Family will Join club if desired. 73_ FOR REMT AMD SAI. E- House for rent and furniture for sale. New house: New furniture. Address- Lock Drawer G. 73 ÍjMR KENT- House, corner of Paekard and 1 Hill sts. 9 rooms, furnace, bath room modern conveniences. $300 a year payable monthly in advance. 72 L'UR REMT- Seren Kooma lower floor 21 V s ou th Di visicm-st. 1 n quire at the house. 72 FOR RÊ-MT.- Two houses n wet Huron St., Enquire at J. D. Stimson's No. 8 Maynard 8t. 72 TO RENT- A sixroom house E. Unlversityave, near Packard-st. Two dollars and a half per week to small family. Address box 3034. 71 TO RENT.- A fine house7añd barns, Beauti fiilly located just outslde the city, and 39 acres of land with it, if desired. Apply to J. S. Mana, 32 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 02U LOST. LO.NT - On Wednesday, Aug. 26, from my residence on the Gravel road, a two years old Newfoundland dog, jet black. Large reward will be given for his return. 71 John Cobbel j . MISCEIAAM EO UB. 17IXDEBQARTEN AMD PRIVATE JV School reopens Monday, Sept. 21st For particulars Inquire at 43 S. Ingalls. 78 T)ASTl!KE - Woods, etubble and spring X doven 92 acres; running brook; ncar County Farm, (3 miles from Mack and Schmid's,) Horsea; 25c per week; cows 20c. Inquire at 9 south Ingalls st or at County House. 72 IF you wish to adTertise anything anywhere at any time write to GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., No. lOSpruce 8t., New York. 870-921 T7 VERY one in neèd of in formation on the subXLi jectofadvertiaing will do welltoobtain s copy of "Book for Advertisers," 368 pages, prlce ona dollar. Mailed, postage paid on receipt of price. Cont&ins a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers and class joumals; glves the circulation rating of every one. and a good deal of Information about rates and other matters pertaining to the bnstness of advertiiing. Address ROWELIS ADVERTISINO BUREAU, 10 Spruce 8t., N. T. 870-921 PERSOXAI. MT FKIEMD- ïi agreeable to you, write me . amount bonas you want for picking up the small black Wallet containing & diamond ring and stud, If not excessive, will cheerfully comply. Write soon aad keep your powder dry. 70tf J. L. BABCOOK. At Home. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! Friday Evenins, Sept. 4th, 1891, THE ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS UNGLE TOM'S GABIN GO. Augmented by MIDDAUGH'S]famous GOLD BAND AND SUPERB ORCHESTRA. ORIGINAL NEW ORLEANS QÜARTETTE. The Famous Character Comedian, HANK GOODMAN. MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. MISS EDNA CLARE, The Greatest Topsy on Earth. PRICES, 25c, 35c and 50c. Seats can be secured three days in advance at the Postoffice News Stand.
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Ann Arbor Register