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"Love and smoke are unable to conceal themselves," and so it is with catarrh. No man suffering frcm this loathsonie disease, can conceal the act from the world. No matter how cultured.learned, social or brilliantiheis - while his friends may be polite enough to dissetnble their real feelings - hi.s very company is loathsome. What a blessing it would be to humanity, if every person afflicted with catarrh in the head, could only know that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will positively and permanently cure the worst case. The manufacturera guarantee to cure every case or forfeit $500. The remedy is pleasant to use, and eosts only 50 cents. And Be Oot II. "I have been particular in giving you my raeat order," said theguest,"becaue I have a good deal at steak." "Your remarks, sir,"replied the dignifled waiter, moving leisurely away to give the order, "are entitled to a great deal of wait."- Chicago Tribune. Model Rallwny. The Burlington Boute, C,B & Q. R. R., operates 7,000 mileB of road, with termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. For speed, safety, comfort, equipment, track and efficiënt service i; has no equal. The Burlington gains new patrón?, but loses none. 78 CURE Blek Headache and reitere all tho troubles lnol dent to a bflious state of the system, suoh BJ3 DizzinesB, Nausea, Drowsinoss, Distress after eating. Pain in the Sido, ka. Whi lo their most remarkable eucc-oss has been shown ia cuüsg , SICK Headache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla ara equally valuable in Constipation, curingand pra veuting thiaaunoyinRComplaint.whilo theyalso correct all disordera of thostomaoh.stiraulatetha liver and regúlate tho boweld. Even U tiiey oalj HEAD Aclis they woultl be almostpriceless to those w&d Buffer from this distressing compiaint; but iortunately theirgoodness does notend hore.and thosa whooncotry them will flnd theso littlo pilla valunblelnsomany waysthatthey will not ba wil ling to do without them. But after alleick üea4 ACHE Ib the bane of bo many lives that hora ia wher wemakenurgreatboaat. Oor pilla curcitwhils Others do not. Carter'e Little Liver Pilis are vory smal! and very easy to take. One or two pilla makea dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe oc purge. bnt by tlieir gentle action please all wh usethem. Iuvialsat 25 cents ; fivefor$l. Sold L; druggists every wliere, or sent by mail. 'CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRIGt $$ Mitchell'sKidney Piasters ■ i ---Ab8orb all diiease in the;Kidneys and r restore them. to a healthy condition. ' -ik chronic kidney BulTercrs s.ij I [jl they got no relief nntü tUcy tr'. :■ MITCIIEI.T.'S KrDNrY PLASTEHS. T ' -nsrriRts everywhere, or sent by mail for 5.x '.'taKtr Works Lowt-ll, Alas K I" Wil flU I Rm"Vs French _ ■ Hl iFemale Pillis are " " " ■■■■■ safe and rellable; wntalns Tansey, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Severiail. At drug stores, or by mail, securely sealed, In plaln wrapper, for $1.(X). I. N. Reed, Agent, Toledo, O. Wnolesale by Williams, Shelït fc B80OK3. Detroit Mich. MProf. I. HUBERTS ALVINA CREAM Vor !ïit ui f Iii Complexión. Romovca all Frockles Tan. Sunburn. Pimples, Lirer H;loi, and otherimnerfoctio 8, Nut rovi ing, but rmovg &11 blemishs. m 1 p'ripanently restnnnft the cíiqi)1exion to its original frehness. For híiIp .it yoar Druggiat, or sent poetpirJ n receipt of price 5(r. Prof. I. HU3ERT, TOLEDO. OHIO. A Salesman Wanted o sell Fruit and Ornamental Nureery Stock. Must be active and intelligent. Position permanent. Previous experience not necessary. Tact and industry alone requiíed. E. It lililí ICI)( & CO., Kaimdosaga Nurseries, GENKVA. 3Ï. Y. 74 PORTRAITS! 7 F YOU WANT A PORTI1AI T FROM LIFE X Free Hand from Photograph, or any Permanent Eulargemeut, place your order at Cole's Itudio. Samples of whosr work are to be found n the homes of Mrs. DuuMr, Mrs. G. S. Morris, 'rof. A. Winchell, Mr. O. M. Martin and many others. Address, COLE'S STUDIO. 351 Woudward-ive, Detroit. "ÑÉW ADVERTISEMËNÏST f ■ UAPII and Tumora CCRF.D .■ no knif: ■ BMIll KbookfrrF. Drs.ORATloNT 4 NOBSla UHIlUbllKo 16J Kim (trast, (ncinnati, O. PARKER'S I m5c, ,HAIR BALSAM ,.== Bliever Fails to Restore Gray ' ■''-V ■{' jB9 H"Ir tO US Yc""Tlf"1 -'ak Lunn, I)(-ljiiity, Indigcstiontl'uin, ï'ake EstiaM.0Octf. ■ilNDËRCORNS. The onlvsure cure for Con.j. Stopt ftüpaiu. 15c at Uruíísts, or 11ISCÜS & CX-, Ñ. Y. Of the 219 B. A's. of London university this year fifty-two are women. 01 the Al. A.'s five out of twenty are mothers' daughters, and eight ladies have received degrees of B. Sc. and nine that of M. B. JOHN BAÜMGARDNER, DEALER I!t AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GRANITES, and all kinds 01 Building Stone! QEMETERY yyORK -A. SPBOIALTY. Corner Detroit and Catherine sta. ANN ARBOR, MICH. DETROIT June 21st, 1891. I.AXNI i AND NORTHERN R. R. GOING EAST. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave HOWELL JONC 9 46 4 15 8 15 Arr"ve SOUTH LYON.... 10 12 4 50 8 45 " PLYMOUTH 10 32 5 18 9 07 " DETROIT 11 15 6 05 9 55 GOING WEST. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. H. Leave HOWELL JUNC. 8 50 12 43 7 27 6 50 Arr"ve LANSING 10 00 1 50 8 18 9 30 ' GRAND LEDGE. 10 30 2 35 8 40 9 55 LAKE ODESSA.. 11 10 9 15 " GR'ND RAPIDS.. 12 10 _ 10 15 IONIA 11 25 3 45 9 35 " GREENVILLE ... 12 22 4 57 10 32 " HOWARD CITY.. 1 00 5 35 11 15 CHICAGO June 21st, 1891. AND WENT MICHIGAN K'V. GOING SOCTH. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS.. 900 115 540 630 Ar've HOLLAND 955 152 625 725 ' GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 05 9 58 " MUSKEGON 11 06 4 15 7 35 10 30 GOING NORTH. A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS 7 25 5 26 11 30 A. H Ar've NEWAYGO 8 52 6 52 103 WHITE CLOUD 9 15 7 15 1 30 " BIG RAPIDS 10 151 8 10 " BALDWIN 10 20 8 30 2 40 " LUDINGTON, I ?' ' . „ via. F.&P.M. R. R. f 2 9 5 " MANISTEE, 1 i9 on in i. via. M.&E.R.R.f 12 2 10 15 11 TRAVEKSE CITY 12 35 10 50 6 00 Parlor Cars on all trains between Detroit and Grand Raplds. Seats, 25 cents for any distance. FreeChairCar between Grand Raplds and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:25 p. M. The " Favorites " between Detroit, Grand Rapids and all polnts in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. WheeungandLakeErie B.AILWAY. THE NEW THROUGH LINE BETWEEN TOLEDO AND B07TERST0N, STEUBENYILLE, MARIETTA. THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN Toledo fc Marietta. THROUGH SLEEPERS BETWEEN PITTSBURGH and CHICAGO, AND DAY COACHES BETWEEN TOLEDOand PITTSBURGH. Via Akron. Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Ravenna, Leavittsburg, Warren, Niles, (Jirard, Youngstswn, New Castle and Allegheny. The ONLY LINE running through "BEAUTIFUL ZOAR." A. G. BLAIR, JAS. M. HALL, Traffic Manager. Grn. Pass. Agent. WursterandKirn MANUFACTÜRERS OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleichs. Repairing of all Kinds NeatlT Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. GIVB TJS J TBIAL 21, at, mi-I 5 Si i-eet, Aim Arbor, Mlcli. TO HACKINAG Summer Tours, Palace Steamers. Low Ratea. ïonT Trips var Week Betweett DETROIT. MACKINAC ISLAN Petokey, Sault Pte. Marie, and Lako Buron Way Ports, Every Week Diy Botween DETROIT AIMD CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during Juno, July, AurubI and Sept Doublé Daily IjÍq Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OU R I LLUSTRATED PA M m LETS Batei and Excursión Tickets wlll be furnisheé by your Tiokot Agent, or addreaa E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. ,' Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. . TOLEDO AnnarboR 4 AND JE Q NORTH MICHIGAN) iT RAILWAY. t-J- U wK Howard Cv.: JpBAY CITYl 'MfasKEOON S"fhr73'Y' t TKAIJÍS I.EATE ANBT AKROR QOING NOETH. No. 2. 7:40 A. m Through Mali and Exnn 4. 12:30 P.M Ann Arbor 4 Toledo a5 6. 5:05 p.m CTare Pasíenstl; GOING SOUTH. No. 1. 11:30 a. M Clare Toledo Acco 3. 9:20 P.M Through Miil 5. 7:20 a. h Ann Arbor & Toledo kam Central Standard Time. AU trains dally except Sunday. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo. R. 8. GREENWOOD, Agent, Aan Arbor Michigan (Tbntml " The Niágara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOB. Going East. Going Weit Mail „ 4.42 p. m. 9.35 a.B. Day ExpretB 5J5p.m. 8.39 a. m, North Shore Limitedt-.. 6.22 p. m. lO.Wim. Chicago Expresst 2.19p.m. N. Y. & Urn. Ext 9.45 p. m. Night Express" 6.05 a. m. Erening Express 918p.ii Atlantic Expressf 7.45 a. m. Pacific Expresst 10.30p.B. Grand Rapids Ex 10.19 a. m. 5.52 p. Daily except Sunday. ♦ Daily except Saturday t Daily. O. W. RUGGLES H. W. HAYE8. G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ae't. Ann Arbor Ui MAME - UNACQUA1NTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY WlUOJTul WUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUOY OF THIS MAP if Wl H Chicago, Roei Mand & PaÉÍft M The Direct Route to anti from Chicago, Joliet, OtuW Peoria, La Salie, Moline, Rock Island, in ILLIXOB; Davenport, Muscatinc, Otlumwa, Oskaloo, I Moines, Wlntaiwt, Audubon, Harlan and Corad Bluffs, in IOWA ; Minneapolis and St. Paul, in MIS KESOTA; Watertown and Sioux Falls, in DAKOIAi Cameron, St. Joseph and Kansas City, in MliSOVBli Omaha, Lincoln, Fairbury and Kelson, in NEBRASKÜ Atchison, Leavenworth, Horton, Topeka, Hutchinsofc Wichita, Belle-ville, Abilene, Dodgc City, CaldweH" KANSAS ; Kingflsher, El Reno and Mineo, in INDIAS TERRITORY; Denver, Colorado Springs and PuebU In COLORADO. Traverses new areas of rich fannim and grazing lands, affording the best facilitieu ofinW" communication to all towns and cities ea3t and ff northwest and Southwest of Chicago and to I'arific a trans-oceanic seaports. MAGN1FICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Leading all competitors iu splcndor of equipaJ between CHICAGO and DES MOINES, COO'CDJ BLUFFS and OMAHA, and between cniCAGO am DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PfEBWi 1 KANSAS CITY and TOPEKA and via ST. JOSEPBJ Flrst-Class Day Coaches, KRE'E RECLININO cHrJ CARS, and Palace Sleepers, with Dining Car Se'"l Close connections at Denver and Colorado Springs ffW diverging rallway Unes, now forming tbe new ■ plcturesque ) STANDARD O AUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOUTE Over which superbly-equipped trains ra" rj THROUGH WITHOUT CHANDE to and "J"Ï LakeCity, Ogden and San Francisco. THE "" ÏSLAND is also the Direct and Favoritc Lta ' from Manitou, Pike's Pcak and all other ""f'jj; scenic resortdandcitles and mlning district in OoIW DAILY FAST EXPRESS TRAM3 From St Joseph and Kansas City to and from U portant towns, cities and sections in Southern "yiïJJ Kansas and the Indlan Territory. Also via AyX, LEA BOUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to JS town. Sionx Falls. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. 1" connoctiong for aU poiots north and north"' K1 the lakes and the Paciíc Coast. .m For Tickets, Maps, Folder, or desired infor m apply to any Coupon Ticket Office in the TJnltw o 01 Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN Gen'l Manager, Gen-1 Tkt. & Pi CHICAOO. ILL.


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Ann Arbor Register