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While So-called Reformers Are

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ing around the country berating the Republican party as the cause of all the farmers' ills, James G. Blaine, ita most diBtinguished son, s seeing the ripe Shiition of a policy which cannotbut be beneficial to agriculture as well as to everj' other industry. We refer to reaiprocity, It is no longer the South American república which yield to his masterly diplomacy, and, by opening their ports to America, vastly increase the farmers' market. This time it is Germany. The Germán embargo on American hogs nd the discriminating duties on wheat nd flour which favor Russia at the expense of America, have recently been done away with. Germany has not thus yielded of her own nccord. It was a matter of self-protection vith her. She knew that, unless she did eo, beetsugar, of which we import about $36,000,000 worth annually, would very likely soon encounter a high tariff when it came to American shores. The benefit to both countries resulting from the change in the Germán policy cannot but be great. The demand for American wheat and hogs will be vastly increased, and thepriceof both will undoubtedly rise. At the same time, the industries of neither country can suffer any loss on account of the removal of duties. Beet sugar is an industry not yet well eatablished in the United States, but no tariff is levied upon it. A system of bounties gives it all the protection that could be desired. The American consumer pays no additional orice and the Germán industry is stimalated. Germany suffers no loss, for ehe imports large quantities of food from one country or another. There is aimply a change in the direction of iraie. Thus Blaine triumphs again. What Democratie f ree trader could accomplish such resulta without ruining the indusiries of his country and pauperizing labor? _________ The report of the sewerage committee has been taken off the table and is printed this week in the official papers 'Jiree weeka after it appeared, free of charge, in The Register. It is to be hoped that every citizen will study the report carefully, for, in the opinión of those able to judge, it effectually disposes of every question regarding sewerage which might arise. As we have before said, there is no reasou why this necessary improvement should be longer de'.ayed. Physicians, business men and laboring men alike see its importance. The proposed pecial tax of $20,000 has been defended with invinoible logic, and the disposal of sewage in the Huron riverhaa been proved unobjectionable by the very best scientific authority in the United States. Why ny citizen should oppoao the immediate establishment of sewerage it is difficult for a sane man to see. The action oftheprosecutingattornoy in presenting a petition for a habeas torpui in favor of Mr. Beggs, while the people, for whorn it was Mr. Lehman's duty to appear, were left entirely unrepresented, luis called forth considerable unfavorable criticism. But what else can be expected from an official whose favorite Latin expression ia nolle prouqui? Thb special edition will contain many things that will surprise even people who have lived right here in Ann Arbor, and who do not know how much there is to our prosperous little city. Onrsubscribers should urge all who do not take the paper to get a copy of this ".ssue and read it carefully and then 3end it to some friend away from hereOwnro to unavoidable delays the special edition of The Register will appear on the 24th, instead of the 17th, as as first announced. This issue will be a valuable one in every respect. It ís rather interesting to note the photographic illustrations of the primitive manner in which mails are carried even nowadays in northern Michigan, where the function of the United States post is undertaken by dogs. The latter, in teams of six, draw sledges carrying the letter aacks over the wintry snows.


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Ann Arbor Register