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Ann Arbor Societies

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Man is not a monad, self-centred and independent of the rest of humanity, but he is, in the highest degree, a social being. He belongs to churches, to satisfy the cravings of his religious nature, and he joins secret societies and fraternities to satisfy the cravings of his social nature. In Ann Arbor the idea of the brotherhood of man is emphasized as it is in few other communities. No city of the state, in comparison to its size, sustains so many different fraternities. In fact, the man who does not belong to an organization of some kind is the exception rather than the rule. C The oldest fraternity in existence, that of the Masons, has four distinct organizations in Ann Arbor. They are the following: Golden Rule Lodge F. and A. M., Na 159, with over 200 members; Fraternity Lodge, F. and A. M., No. 2C2, with about 200; Washtenaw Chapter, R. A. AI. No. 6., with about 200, and the Ann Arbor Commandery, K. T, No. 13, with 151, of whom 72 are residente of Ann Arbor, the rest being scattered throughout the county. All these lodges praotice what is known as the York rite. Ann Arbor Masons have always stood well among their brethren in the state. William G. Doty has been Grand Commander, K. T.; Benjamin F. Watts, Grand High Priest, R. A. M., and Charles B. Davison is now Grand Junior Warden, F. and A. M. The rnembership of the various orders in Ann Arbor includes business men, professional men, professors and students. The Masonic Temple, a cut of which appears in this column, is, in many respecta, the best in Michigan. The Masons occupy the entire third floor. This includes an area of 10,080 square feet. In the southeast corner is a large parlor, connecting with a library and a cloak room. The lodge room, which lies to the east, is a handsome apartment, forty-two by forty-five feet in size, with a high vaulted ceiling. Beautiful oil paintings surround the room, each one emblematic of some portion of masonic teachings. In the centre of the ceiling is a dome, whose curved surface is made to represent the heavens. Beautiful Brussels carpets and finely decorated walls help to make the apartment a, model lodge room. The Red Cross room the banquet room, the drill room and the armory, all elicit the admiration of visiting Masons. The temple is the scène of frnquent parties, which, in size and splendor, compare favorably with any given in larger cities. THE ODD FELLOWS have four different lodges in Ann Arbor. The subordínate lodges are the Washtenaw Lodge, with seventy-two members; and the Otseningo with flfty. The Ann Arbor encampment, the next highest, has fifty-two merabers, and the Cantón, the uniformed rank, numbers thirty. The Washtenaw nnd Otseningo lodges meet in two halls, each one of which is beautifully decorated. THE MACCABEES. are very strong in this city. In point of numbers Arbor Tent is surpassed by only two other tents in the state. There are at present on the rolls over 310 persons. Although the Maccabees have been in Ann Arbor only ten years, over 812,000 insurance money has been paid out. The society occupies a large hall on Main-st opposite the court house. OTHER FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS. The Knights of Pythias have sixty members, a large proportion of whom are studente. The Ancient Order of United Workmen bas two lodges in A nn Arbor. One, the Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, is known as the Germán branda; the members of the other, the Athens Lodge No. id, are mainly of English descent. Meetings are held semi-monthly. The Ann Arbor Lodge No. 215 of the Knights of Honor, witk over thirty members; the Schiller Council No. ")U"j Boyal Arcanum, with over sixty; the Ann Arbor Council No. 36, Royal Templara; the Select Ruling No. 22, with over forty members, and the University Ruling No. 24, both of the Order of the Mystic Circle, and the Ann Arbor Council of Bay State Beneficiary Association are the principal insurance societies of Ann Arbor. THE GERMAU SOCIETIES. The Germans of this city have organized more chapters than any other c-lass of people in the city. Many of them belong to several fraternities at the same time. One of the most prominent and at the same time most useful societies is the Ann Arbor Arbeiter Verein. At the last annual report 143 members were enrolled. Since 1876 nearly 813,000 has been expended in aid and insurance by the local Verein. In June last the meeting of the state Bund was held in this city. Ann Arbor never entertained guests better than she did on this occassion. The Schuetzenverein, Turn Verein, Germania Lodge No. 476, of the Harugari, Relief Park Association, Sshwaebishe Unterstuetzungs Verein, the Landwehr, and others, deserve mention. MILITARY COMI"A.NIl:s. Ann Arbor is well protected, there being no less than two military companies in this city. The oldest, that known as "Oíd Company A," has forty members. They are under the command of Capt. J. F. Sohuh and meet for drill iii the Palace Rink, which has been converted into a firstclass armory. The "old company " is an independent organization. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry is a very young company. It was mustered in on May 18th as Company A, First Regiment. Seventy members are now enrolled. Chas. E. Hiscock, of the Savings Bank, is captain. The third (loor of Hangsterfer's block is used as an arinory, and fine club rooms have been fttted up in the story below. During the recent state encampment, the Ann Arbor company won many plaudits. THE GRAND AR.MY. Weleh Post No. 137 has a nominal membership of about 130. Most of the old veterans in Ann Arbor are enrolled. Meetings are held twice a month in their hall over the store of J. T. Jacobs & Co. The Woman's Relief Corps was orgnnized in January of this year. It includes a large number of the patriotic ladies of Ann Arbor. The Sons of Veterans organized a división in this city about three years ago. They meet weekly for drill and social intercourse. The number of members is about 65. MISCELLANEOUS. Two prosperous labor unions, the Ann Arbor Carpenter's Union No. 85, and the Ann Arbor Typographical Union No. 154, meet frequently in their respective halls. The Ann Arbor Temperance Union meets every Sunday afternoon. This organization, as well as the Ann Arbor Lodge No. 320 of the Good Templars, embracing about 45 young people, is doing much to promote the practice of total abstinence. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is also productivo of much good. A large number of the wheelmen of Ann Arbor belong to the Wolverine Cyclers. This club has a neatly furmshed hall, in which weekly meetings are held. The Washtenaw medical, pioneer, and horticultural societies have a large membership in the city of Ann Arbor. Other organizations might be mentioned if space permitted.


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