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I THE GREAT Germán Remedy, nTRUTHS FORTHESICK III For EEoëo iK-athly s?l,(H)O wlll be paid 111 niüousSpcllídciienil foracasewhcrehUL I msrLrnuRlíiTTKKs phüb Bitters win Mil tt vill cure yon. not :isist or cure. } ti ■W,v„n.,„r,.,.wi,l, """■■ f"Íl3thattirednndallgom- (;iralls,, ,hc viti , d reeling; íf so. use MoO(l whcn " 'u Sulphür Hittebs ; it3 impuritles bu ít will ;urc yon, n-rtlirough the skin Oporutivcswlioare ' l'iyipli-s.Iilntches. closcly conlíned in !1."}„,;',s t 0" the mina and M !'p,mri,'hBlEI. shops; clcrks.vhoüo :U11 hea'th WiU fol. not procure suflicient Ü. exerciso, and all who sürrHURÍirrí are confinad ín doorg, „.,„ ÍLhwSf Bhonld use Sulphob ,. ,f, j,„,X „T Bittkrs. ThevwUl ö'n"f,VCd ití lírí,'8 notthcnbewcáfcaml ea5MriüciBt lf vou di i llut. visll 1L1II''H1!ITTERS to suffer f rom wl1' 1'lulcl Ym' "P and atism, use a bottle ol W "ou strongand Sulphur BlITEHS ; 'icnmiy. itiiCYcrfailstorurc. sixi-nrit IürrKRS Don't Be without :i fllmakeyourblood Mbottle. Trv it; yoii pure, rich and strong, nill not rciret it. d your Ilesli lrard. Lnilius in oéucate Try Sulphub Brrhealth, who nre all rBBS to-nlght, and rundown, Bhouldnse you wlll sleep well 'USULrnn; BitterSi ind feelbetterforlt lio you want the licst Medical Work pabllshed? Kend"3 2-i-cnt tt.-imp? to A. 1' ORDWAT & Col Bostoa, Jlass.. aml reedve a copy.fpee. CURE Bick Headache and relieve all tbe troublea lacfr c'lont to a bilious etate of the systom, bucíi té Dizziness, Naneea, Drowainess, Distress aíter cating. Pain in the Sido, &c. Whilo theirtoo rexaarkable buccoss ñas boen sho wn ia cuíÜJ 4 SICK Headache. yot Carteas Littlo Liver Pilla ni equally valuabloinConstipation, curingandpn vi 71 1 ing thiaannoyingcomplaiut,whilo theyahtf correct all disordersofthostomach,Btimulata tin liver and regulate tlio boweld. Eveaiitüeytmly IIËAD 'AclifitheyTroTiI(iboalmoBtpriceleB3totIioseTM Buífer f rom thia diBtressing complaint; butfortanatelytheirgoodneasdoesnotendhere.andtlxai who once try them will find these littlo pilla vat ble Ín somany waya that they will not be v3llng todo without them. Butafteraüsickliai ACHE Ib the liano of bo many Uves that here la Tía wemakaourgreatboaat. Oux pilla cure i tuíüH others do not. Carteas I-ittlo Liver Pula are very smaU ol very oasy to take. One or two pilla mako a do They are etrictly vegetable and do not grip r purge, butby Uioir gentío action pleaaeall wi Uso them. Invialsat25cents ; ñvefor$l. 3QH by druggists everywhere, or seut by mail. -CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SMALLPÍLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICÉ Puri YOUR Blood WITH Hibbard's Herb Extract A WONDERFUL CURE. gjlfcw This ís a true ke'Ü noss ' me wearin8 fK8fe3r ula hadcoHSumedmy Wl yflLf nose anfl upPer "ft ■ 'tal proparation of roots and herbs that cured me over 47 "years ago. sjnce wlicn I have cured tbousands with lts use. Itrequiresa .■fu! vegetable remedy to effect sucL a curo as my own. and my argument has ahvays been that the remedy that cured me wonld curo all forms of ScrnfuVi, or other Blood and f Skin Diseases. Its success has boen phenomenal. Send for list of testimoniáis and printed history of niy i'case, or cali on me any day, or wn !and describe your case. Adrice free. I Mna J. HiwiARn. Avold imitationo. Be sure lve tratieuj nark is on wrapper. S1.00 at all DroggW. -"rflBBARD HERB EXTRACTCC 807 Canal St , Chicago, ÍMA Hodel KallwHj . The Burlington Boute, C , B .& Q KR., operates 7,000 miles of road. witu termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paui, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver, i' speed, safety, comfort, equipment, traen and efficiënt service it hasnoequal. lfle Burlington gains new patrons, but lo8 none. , Soiiifililiiu to Tnhe. "Doctor, I wish you would Prcrl„f something for these awful colas mine." , .,. "Certainly,"said the doctor, and wrote the prescription: Care. Puck' Kew Equlpment on the Wa""1 The Wabash Railroad has just pl on its day trains between Chicago anu St. Louis a line of elegant new vf,. buffet parlor cars. These cars mate . u reet connection at St. Louis with tnro s sleepers for Hot Springs and the : ,ou i west. The night trains on the VD"3 running between Chicago and bt. l have long had the distinction of BMJ the finest in the West, their comPr ment sleepers being especially PPU' r Tnis new departure bnngs tneir trains up to the same standard.


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