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"the Two Sums."

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By this striking name is known one of t he most enterprising establishments in this ei y. Speaking technieally, the business is owned by Louis Blitz, of Detroit, but the management is entrusted to Meesrs. S. S. Blitz and Sam. Langsdorf, of this city, two clothiera of long experience. A beautiful store - the most modern in every respect which stands on Main-st - aff"rds Hccommodations for the large stock of clothing. Both the first and second floors are U6ed. Downstair will be found hats, furnishing goods, men's and boys'clothing.and the odds and ends of a clothing bu-iness. On the second floor, which is fitted up wilh carpets, dressing rooms, bureaus, mirrors and all the other conveniences,are fouud overcoats, inackintoahes and children's clothing. The variety in all these articies is large enough to please the most fastidious. A peculiarity of the stock kept by "TheTwo Sams" is the fact that almost all of it - in fact all of the fine goods - have been made to order. Several weeks ago Samuel Langsdorf, the youngest of the " Two Sams," made a visit to New York, where he reniained three weeks. His time was spent mainly in making trips from one merchant tailoring establishment to another. The questions he asked were niany and the answers were carefully noted. In this way he learned what styles of clothing were best suited to the popular demand, as regards both beauty and durability. Having gained the knowledge he de(ired he proceeded to the large establishment of Alfred Benjamin & Co., where he left au order lar in excess of all pievious ones. So pleased was the tinii with some of his selections that ttiey have preservad for their own use two samples of every style of overcoais ordered by Mr. Langsdorf. The "Two Sams" have the reputation throughout the state of carrying more novelties than any other concern in the state. As evidence of this may be cited the fact that some of the best dressers in Detroit buv neckwear of" this establishment. The agencies for both the Knox and Silverman hats are in the hands of the "Two Sama." It is doubtful if any. other retail firm in the country is allowed agencies for two of the Standard hats at the same time. Every one knows that the students are particnlarly fond of trading with the "Two Sams." The firm has always made it a point to oater to the tastes of the young people - a poĆ­ioy which has proved mutually satisfactory. Another secret of their success is their 8kill in advertisins. No firm in the state has used printer's ink more often or more judiciously.


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Ann Arbor Register