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Ann Arbor

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No Money Required of Responsible Parties to Commence Treatment. l JDTl. FRUTEE, Formerly of New York, now the celebratei Examinlng Pliysieian of the Fruth BlMflau and erun CAL Ihstitute, Chicago, 111., by rcquest of mauy Friend; and Patients, has dectded to visít Thursday, Qctober lst, 1891. Consultaron and Examination Free and Strictly Confldential, in the Private Parlore of the Cñnv HOUSK- one day only. uu Examining Physician of the - Fruth. Medical and Surgical Institute.Permanenlly Established and Incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientific and successful treatment of all fornis of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Xervous and Special Diseases uf Men and Women! Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Female Diseases positively cured by a never Marriage - Married persons or young mee tauine method. A home treatment entirely harmcomemplating marriage, aivare of physical weakless and casily applied. Consultatiou free and ness, lossof procreativepowers.impotency oí any stnctly eonüdentiaf. other disqualiflcation.speedily restored. Dr. Fruth, after years of experlence, has perEüileDsv or Fitó nositivplv pnrert hv nur no toto ta üSS' vita HettlOd ,Of curlu?J iIaI a,XevafliuK H&pítáí trLtmént. arain in Urine, octurnal losses, ImpairedMemory, Weak Back, Melancholy, Want of Energy, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Bright's Disease, Premature decline of the Mauly Powere- those Diabetes and kindred maladies, treated and cures terrible disorders arising from ruinous practiees of eflected in thousands of cases that had been pro youth, blighting the most radiaut hopes rendering nounced beyond hope. mYornafmvnr!pafi,Ptyh fl . Private Mseases-Blood Poison, Syphillis, GonanOTníXiC tí í f flr!'staí!e.'-ememberyouare orrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Hydrocele, Varico, thïS ÏL1 ■ y, arebord(!nnS upon cele. Loss of Sexual Power, and all diseases of the tht ?? v í, ,L ?■ 7einng lts effeets, remember genito urinary organs speedilv and permanentlj thttimPnKí'mterhPerS1ht '? Pronation, cured. No ri-ks iucurred. CÓnsultation free ana tou íw tiíta níS h !l P,ysici8"?, can rder strlctly confidential. Medicine sent free from obcíosed aïïinït yoú Pe servation to all parts of the United States. Younir men who throueh ieríorance or the .. Cata"hCureJ--Catarrhal affections of thenoíe: earelovs exubcranr-p nr írnnthfni tñirif. if.J. J!! throat, lunes and stomach. bronchitis, asthma. nonlnTilhyLrot. íoTmt"lon and dyspepsia. tuccessfully tn-atei imteney resnnaZfuí'crfldtc TIZnbXñS Lured without pain, knife or cauterj'. ofthousandsofhelplesscasesthatwehaverestorcd I No detentlon from business. to health and happlness. Free Examination of the Urine.- Each person applying for medical treatment should send I ir bring an ounce of their urine, which will receive a careful Chemical and mlcroscopical examinaW0MÖ5B Tu! CHP Pí Perfected in oíd cases which have been neglected or unskillfully treated. i! iiMUitl éu wWiVav No experlments or failures. Parties treated by mail and express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. ■ Cases and correspondence confldential. Treatment sent C. O. D., to any part of U. S. List of 130 questions free. DR. KRUTH, Chicago, Ills. State address. for convenience of his Michigan patients, is Lansing, Mich.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register