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BUSINESS CARDO. MISS GRACE HENDRICKSON, Pupil of Profs. LUDERER and YUNCK, Detroit, will give instructions on the VIOLIN. ParticuUrs at residence, 72 S. State St. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over Savings Bank oppoaite Oourt House Square. .- R. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Luw, Milán, Mirto. Money loaaed íbr outside parties. All letral adinere giveD prompt attention. LKX. W. HAMILTON, A llorur at I.hh . iv:ll practiee in toth State and United SU e. Oourt. Office Rooms, one and two, Ut Boor of te new brlck block. mrner of Hurón and Fonrtli Utreeu, Ano Arbor, M ichigan. ARTHUR J. KITSON, Contractor & Builder. Estímales furnished on all kinds of Architecture. RBSitKNtE amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, ml Hll I vork lu ronnrrlluli witli lliilr rouitly executed. ff Shop Cr. of Church-st and S Uulversltyave. TeleDhone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. ATTENTION I DO ÏOB WANT anvtbing in the line of BANANAS, ORANtJKS, I M.S. A I1 IS of'all kinds, ICE CBEAH, ' ICB CREA ski V. W Kverytliiug at Wholesale and Retail. Xj. & if. kopf, 10 E. lliiru-sl. 73HOICE JttEATS Cor. WaahliiKton-st and Fiflb-av. Our aim is to please our customen by always bandling the very Cboicest Méate that tita market Sorda. M. P. VOGEL, " DEALER Dl # FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND GANE IN Si: VSOX. 22 E. Huron-St. - AJO) Arbor. TRÜCK AND STÖRAGK N'ow we are rea Jy wlth a New Brlck 3torehouse !or the storage of Householi'.s, Planos, Books and btoves. Pianos and Furaiiure carefully moved. AU kindsof Heavy and Light draying. FREIG HT WORK. Residence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street, Teleplione 82. Our New Store. LADIES' FALL AND WINTER GOODS ÍN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. Nice Children's Hata and Caps, Ribbons, Feathers and Tips to be sold it a low price. Give us a cll at our Jíew Store, Cor. Fourth and Washington-sts. Respectfully, MRS. A. OTTO. NEW MILLINERY STORE" Fancy -:-Millinery. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Everybody inviled to Examine Stock. MRS. J. L. JOHNSON, No. 33 N. Xitiu-si. SSTSB? & SEABOLT, 3STO3. S A.J5TID S Washington Street, Ann Arbo', Michigan. i Hare always on hand a completa Stock of ovar Hilas la tu EfROCERY LINE! - Teas, Coffees and Sugars A 11 prime Anieles bougut for Cash and cansell at low figures. Our frequent large Inroicea of Teas is a auré sign that we give bargains ín QÜALITY AND PRIOB. We roast our own coffee everj wek, always iresh and good. Our bakery turna out the very iist of Bread, Cakes and Crackers, Cali and bössee; U I" Iñf A Uil nov"" ynnA II Hl 1 fVmale Pillis ar ■■■" ■ " ■■■■■s safe and reliable; tontaina Tansey, Pcnnyroyal and Cotton Root Severfail. At drug stores, or bj mail, securely tealed, In plain wrapper, for $1.0). I. N. KxxD, Agent, Toledo, O. Wbolesalo by WH.LHM3, SttH.ïï 1 Biuwis. IVtrolt lk'!i. - : Mitchöil's ICidney Piasters ■■■ tb :u to ; I - CU cbronli .) rv'.'.ef nntll t' y ', ■ :.I,S 1 .).. . i . rrjis, ■ EWART OBTACIT TTiTl LINK ikBELTING. The Best H Now Ihe Cheapest. REDUCED PRICE LIST ofdr!ellt6thêrSp'iItierori.7eioior,Coiifiora Mai'ljinerT forLandHng wiy matt'ri! ia bulk orpaekge. UU lüLT IK8IIÏIÏ f.. IN! Stuurt lm, Ckinr. The Larcet, FaotcHt mul Flnt !n tfae World. Passeiijífr aocomodai lona un-xi ti leu. NEW YORK. LONDOKDHRRY AND GLASGOW Ethiopia O' 1. 17 i Devonia Oot. !9 Akchoria ' 22CliCAMIA " 81 Fl'RNESS-A " 21 I KTHIOPIA KoV. 5 NEW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AKS STEERA6E ratfson 1. .--t r.rms to tui! f rom principie SCOTCH, mus. IRISH ND tLL CONTINERTAL POIDTS. Excursión Tickets n-iim-ed, tivailttble to return by either the Ptotureaqne Clyde & Nortb ví Irelaml, or BftArTS AND MONEY ORDERS FORANr A MOUMT at low-t mrrfnt mu. Apply to niiv of our lxáal ay-ntror to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, III. JAMEN K. KAII. Ab-piiI. ƒ rtftíuspi'cioljs[ 'wÍÍy'dÜ YOÜ CÖÜGH ? 1 Do yon kuou that a Httlc Con gil; !■ dangerous lliing ? DOCTOR IACKERSI ENCLISH IREMEDY I Will Stop a CougU at any time: and Cure the worst Cold In: twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottlemay save you $100 iu Doctor's: ! bilis may save your life. AGU your druggist for it. tastes gooi) pÜre"pVnk pÍlls." : Dr. Acker's English Pilis: (THE INDIGESTIÓN. SiiihII, pleaant. u favorlte wlth lile UJIe. i W. H. HOOKEU OO.. U West Brodway, N. V. ; Every Month many women suffer from Excettivt or I Scant Menttruation; they don't know ' who to confide in to get proper advice Don't confide ín anybody but try Bradfleld's Female Regulator I Speclfic !or PAINFUL, PROFUSE, SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. IBook to "WOMAN" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlintt, Gi. 8oll b) all [QOSE'S EXTRACT CLOVER BLOSSOM Female Weakiiesü Sores, Ulcera, Tumors, Abscesses, lilood Folsoning, Kalt Kli.-um Catarrh, Erysipelas, Itlicumatism an.l al, lilood anti skin Diseases. Price %i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Bottles for$5. i Ib can Solid Extra: M-ja J. M. LOOSr RED,CLOVER C0Detroit. Mich. soid bv n iruggit. AhU iu y icciil lor ï. Uouclxs Sli4r h II unt fir iiilc I ii uur plnce aNk jttnr Uenler i eiil lor ■i%fnloLU(k, srcure lile iisrllC) nuil ;cl llirin (or y ii. r_ - BTTAKE NO jSLBSTlttTE. -M W. L.WDOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENSEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? le Ís a sfamh'-ís shoe, with no taoks or wax thread to hurt the fcet; made of the best fine tralf, stytlsh and easy, and because ice make mor? shots of thi grade than any other wanttfacturer, H (Xiiulj Uautlsewed shoes costing frorn $4.0U to $j.(0. tfe 00 Genuine Iliind-Hpwrd, theflnestcalf J shoe ever offered tor $5.iJ; oquals Prench importad ihoea whirii cost frmn $ntto $ C A 00 llnufUSewrd Welt Shue, fine calf. P"Tb styllsb, comportable aud durable. The b M shoe ever off-t-rt-d at thli priee ; same .■■ tommade shoea eostlng from gö.OO to $9.üi). C O 30 1'oIící' Sïior; Farmers, líailroad Men 9Oi ;tml Letter Carriers all ireartbem; Onecalf, seuiLless, Bmootfa imU-de hevj thrM aulos, extensión edee. One pair will wetr a yt-ar. Ctf 50 íiut ali'; do better sboe ever offered at 9a this priee; trial ni eonvtaee thow who want a ahoe foroomfort aud service. DO - )llMl "--M Wnrkiiiffinuir!4 ihoM Páfis are very atrong aml darable. Toóse whu have given them a trial will car no other make. DMC 9J.00 and M.75 school shoes aro DUlO wuru byilw boyseverywbére; theysell on tht-ir merita, as tbr Increasiug sales show. I Ü.oe'VÜ Iliiml-M-wed hoe. best kCIU ICO Uougola. vt-rvstylish; equaUKreiR'u Imported ihoefl cMtlDKfrom jt.uu to$tí.uu. I, lidie V JTSOi 1.00 aud 91.75 shne fur Hlsséfl 1 lie bt-i Rae Dongola. stvlishaud durable. i ii ii i ion. See that v. ],. Douglas name and price are stumped ou the bottom t eaeh shoe. V. L. DO0GUL8, lïrocUtou, Mas. W ■ KMMI4KOT A CO. i H. Hmíii M.


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Ann Arbor Register