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Testing The Baking Powders

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Comparativa Worth Illustrated, y PROF. PETER COLLIER, late chemist ik chiep o the DEl'AliTMJSNT OF AGRICVLTÜRE, WASHINGTQX, D. C!. Pure Creatn Tnrtar. HHHBHI kot al -WSBÊÊÊIKÊÊKÊÊÊÊÊÊÊKÊKBÊm Coutains Ammona HHBHl uxiavALKn.. .... IMffHilT- 11111- WW- MM Alum and Amuiouia. WHBHBJVfll Taylor'g I +.. inBBflWJWflHWBWBBJHBmBH Alum and Aminouin. BBB MONARCH y ■■ MMtWMWaWJWKBWHBaH Alum and Ammooia. H Alum and Ammoniu. ISHHHH CALUMET t-BM-i Contams Alum. HhhBhIHBHHbHB HOTKt . ■BnaM-Ban_-_ Coatains Alum. BBHHBWHBBHbBHHI yarnail's +.. wQgagfmmm rmrnmm HiigiBw m Alum and Ammonia. HBHHBflBBBBHBI Alum and Ammonia. Hflfll BBQmI9BBBSKuB SHEPARD'S ...■■ MBnHgumgng Alum and Ammonm. H MON BON ÜTTt ... BnimHHBSMIW Contains Alum BVMHBBBBBBMHBB FOREST ITY . . ir ir.. HnBnn__BB, Alum and Ammonia. H CHICAGO Y EAST Bgamng- (h--. Alum and Ammonia. ■ BSuRSnfil crown i-, f, iLa.iBiimiinn- i Alum and Ammonia. SILVER STAK ..KBn_anMa Alum and Animünta. H I DODSON L HIT. A tiaBI Alum and Ammonia, fl Above diagram was drawn and TCrified in al! ín details, by Prof. Peter Collier, who is pre-eminent as ;i Chemist, and Scieutist. The ïllnstration is made ia accordance with his chemical tests of each brand enumerated. & Tlie Carbonic acid gas was calculated to get the leavening strength and the quantative analysii to aacertain the cotnparative wholesomeness, ]urity, and general uaefulneaa of the leading Powders. The rcsult of Prof. Collier's examination ;uil test, reveal9 Lhe fact, that, with but one exception, every brand tested contained either Ammonia r Alum, and .1 number both. Not one woman in ten tliousand would 1: imonia er Alum Bal'lng Powdurifshe ktiew it. Such Powders nol 11e the liealth, but ammonia imparts a sallow or blotchi 1 cemplexion. NoTE. - I'r. Pricc's Cream Baking l'owi 'i n Prof. Collier's examinationa, is the only pure Cream Tartar l'owder fouud free from adulteration and the highest irt strength. All authoritics report Dr. Ptice's free from Ammonia. Alum. l.inir, or any othcr adultrant. THj purity of tliis ideal Fowder has never been questioued. f' it [ndicatcsthe Powder oontántng either Ammonia or Alum. ie ir Indicates the Powder containing buth Ammonin and Alum. While the diagram shows some of these Ammonia or Alum Powders to be of higher strength than others dassed below tlicm, '♦ must not be taken that they poseess any value. All Ammonia or Alum powders should be voided u dangerous, 110 matter how high tlieir strength.


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