Adjourned Within An Hour
Feace and harmony reigned at the council meeting Monday nigbt. The sewerage question was not discussed, and almost all the resolutions offered were unanimously adopted. The etreet commissioner reported that he had looked after the construction of sidewalks where residents had refused to build them. Thecoetof theBe i mprovements, with ten per cent. added, were assessed upon the delinquent property-owners. Wm R. White, manufacturer of farm gates, asked permission to exhibit his wares on the court house square, offering to pay $50 for four months and promising so to arrange the platform as not to injure the lawn. Considerable discussion took place, in the course of which Mr. White himself took the floor. He said that he had been a school teacher for fourteen years and was sure that the Ann Arbor students would support the council if they gave him the privilege asked. Inasmuch as students have no votes and the citizens are averse to renting the court house lawn to exhibitors, the council decided, by a vote of 6 to 4, not to grant the request. Permission was given the University autborities to grade Catherine-st from Observatory to Thirteenth-sts, provided they first secure written permission from adjoining property-owners. A resolution was offered by Alderman Hall, providing for the opening of South Fourth-ave from Madison to Hill-sts and providing for the assessment of benefits upon the property-owners in the vicinity. The matter was laid on the table for one week. The mayor was authorized to detai! one of the policemen as truant officer, the board of education to provide compensation, and Charles J. Conrad and William C. Conrad were detailed as special policemen for the opera house, without expense to the city. Gabe Wuerthner, an insane man from Dayton, Ohio, attempted on Monday to kill Mrs. Christian Schlenker with a pitchfork. He was taken into custody by the marshal and lodged in jail. His friends have been notiiied.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register