I Xot Too Well Hut W1..I,. ïhe Poor Young Man- Mr. Crcwus, I would like to marry your daughter. 01(lCroesu8- Ah! Vou love her, sb? Poor Young Man- Madly. Oíd Crcesus- Whioh one? The Poor Yonng Man- Oh, eilher of them.- Harper's Bazar. A Modf I KallwKT. The Burlingifon Route, C , B & Q. R. K., operates 7,000 miles of road, with termini in Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. For speed, safoty, comfort, equipment, track and efficiënt service i: has no eqnal. The Burlington gains new patrón?, but loses none. "8 1'ulilDK Out Felr. Mother- When do you suppose that young man that calis on you will inake knownhis intentions, Laura? Laura- I think hb will propose pretty soon. Last evening he was ?ery anxioustó know if I could dress on f4u a year.- Yankee Blade. A IHXlDgiil.lied Kruiril,. Dr. Hoxsie'd Certain Croup Cure m the one and only sure specific for acute attacks to throat and lungs. This remedy was used with unfailing success among children for twenty years by this eminent physician, in Buffalo, N. Y. Wholesaled by leding firma in Detroit. 50 cents. A Flntf. 'Hiere are no plums on lut years tree No birdi In last year'B nwi; But I've- hurrah!- found dollare three Id one of last year'a Testa. - Harper'í Bazar. IMnyliiK urda Yon 'tan obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents ín postage to P. S. Euetis, Gen'l Pass Atrt,, C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago, 111. Tg. 86 Hotli In the Same Business. Peddler (to bicyclist) Helio, brotlier. iiicyclist - Brothei! What do you mean? Peddler - Yah, ver needn't get mad. I peddle, an' you pedal. Don't that make us brothers in a professional way? - Yankee Blade. CHEATINC ij1 HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of %v Horse Blanket is imitated n color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn'tworth one-halfasmuch. The fact that k Horse Blankets are copied s strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the "jK trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. ( JE m 'Five MMo for ' Hm Electric lm V Baker NORSE BLANKETS ARE TmE STRONGEST. 100 SA STYLES t prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them lrom your dealer, wpte us. Aslc foi the i Book. Vou can get t without charge, WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Mil!.-ssii-ss dl red. IV I am glad to testify that I used Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonlo with the best auccess for SlettplessueAS, and belleve that it is rually a íreat relief for suffurlug humanity. E. FliANK, Pastor. St. Severin, Keylerton P. O., Pa. Looax, Ohio. Oct. 18. 18)0. I used Pastor Koenig's Nerva Tonic in th case of & 13-year oíd boy for a case of St. Vitos Dauce of two years' standing Hla conditioa was most lamentable, as tus límba were couitaiitly ic niutiun, aud at table his hauda eould üot hold knife, fork or spoou. The effect of thia medicine waa at once uotict-abla to all, and the boy hiiuself remarkfd, "I knüw it helps me," and before the secoad bottle si used ap, be insisitxt that there waa no necesaity of (akIng more a he was entirely curad. UAiti. HKlKNHEItaiiB. fUfp-A Valuable Rook n NerToui Md Um h !Í!teutM9H suut free to nay nddrews, [ Hí I and inor putieiií.s calí 1mi obtftin ■ libia this inedlciue fre uf cbaree. Ibis remedy has lieen jprepared by the Reverend PftHtor Koeniff. ut Fort Wavne. lud., siuce láTG, and Unowprepared ande rliiu directiou by tho KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold bjDiuscl-t4 ut SI per Bottle. tiforSB. Tixsi.e. S1.73. i: iiott i-.). y. H A pamphlet of Information andat Ë ■ stract of the iws,ibowniK Huw toV Hv )btin PatenU, Careaift, 'Vx;un HMarks, Copyright!, tent ?Tt.MÊÊB V. AddrM munn é. có.ayy B3Ü1 ISiuadwur.l Occidental -Hotel. I MlJMil Mineral and Fresh Water Baths, la-SPECIAL BATES TO STUDK' Five o'clock Dinner Sunday. H. E. SHUTTS, Prop'r.
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