The J. T. Jacobs Co.
NEW GOODS, NE W GOODS, NEW GOODS. The J. T. JACOBS CO., TheJ. T. JACOBS GO., 27 and 29 MAIN ST., ■ ANN AEBOR. N. B.- We still have a nice aseortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at greatly reduced prices. TUe ..Uuvb .i wundt-rful Karui ü ie, ,aieni-d U) W ui. K. WUiit-, ol BI mmüiglon, III., v, bo liaci loM bis tarm by mortgxge. Tíi is a new plan on the principie of the pendnlum, and the levers are up whether opened or closed, h:vina thirieen a.ivantages over any gate in ue. It is po convenient and durable that $;i,(XiO worlh have been sold in sorae counties. Cali and see it at the Faranklin H'.use, where Mr. White will explain 11 of its natrita. [Mr. White comet_ to this city wi-11 recommended. and thinks of staving for the winter. - En.] 75
Old News
Ann Arbor Register