At The Opera House
Tomoriow evening the noted young soubrette, Little Goldie, will occupy the stage of the Grand Opera House, ap. pearing as the central figure in the Rocky Mountain Waif. The latter is a sensational drama with an unusual number of striking scènes and incidents and has been one of the genuine successes of its class. The play is a picture of Ufe in the far West, and introduces a great manv scènes that are familiar to those who have visited that part of the country, scènes of the Balancing rock, Tower of Babel, Cathedral apire, the Garden of the Gods, Deer Head rock, Pike's Peak and othere. The scenery necessary for the proper production of the play is carried by the company, the latter being a superior organiiation. The piece was especially detiigned for the young actress and her success in it has been emphatic. A genuine Rocky mountain burro and a handsome pony are among the novel featnres of the performance. The Rocky Mouutain Waif will run Friday evening of this week. - Ohio State Journal, Columbus, O. Standing room was at a premium at the Park Theatre last week, Little Goldie closingone of thebiggest weeks on record in the history of this house. Every performance was the means of packing people froni pit to dome. Star and play a howling success. Scenic effects grandest ever seen here. - Columbus Journal, Aug. 20. At the Opera House Friday evening. Little Goldie in "The Rocky Mountain Waif" will be surrounded by one of the most complete comnanies that will appear at the Opera House this
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