The Two Sams
WHICH INTEREST YOU FIRST There is so Much that Might be Said About Our New Fall and Winter Clothes. Our preparations are always months ahead of your needs. Light Weight Overcoats and Fall Suits naturally get the firet cali. We shall show you only the Serviceable, Satiafying qualities, feeling confident that you will find them far better and cheaper in the end, than by buyinj: the cheaper grade of goods usually carried by other houses. Ask youreelf now candidly, ia low-priced, ill-rnade Clothing cheap at any price ? We have good, well-made Suits for Men at $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $10.00, as also the finer grades ; but we can assure you our cheaper garments are better made, better trimmed, and better quality of gooda than the average dealer sells at their beat grade. Our stock of Boys' Suita comprising all the new ideas you .will find of interest to you. Prices right - Goods of that wearing quality so necessary for Boys' wear. Naturally your more anxious about the Children's Clothing just now - ''Boys will be Boys" you know, and will wear out their Clothing. We have taken special pains to place before you, Children's Suits and Overcoats in all the variety, both as in price and quality, as well as etyJes - We claim this season to have the best general line of Ghildren's Clothing ever placed on the Counters in any store here. We have several styles of Ghildren's Suits at $1.25. We have a number of Styles in Children's Suits at $1.75. We have a large variety of Ghildren's Suits at $2.00. We have a dozen styles of Children's Suita at $2.50. We have Children's Suits at $2.75, and from that up to $10.00; guaranteeing any price Suit you may want, to be cheaper than you can get it elsewhere. JLi. BLITZ.
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