Crime Of A Lover
McGregor, ]a., Oct 19.- To' unrequited love is charged a shocking doublé murder that occurred near McGregor Saturday evening. For tome months Henry Ilalm. a prospercui young farmer living north of this city, has been paying his addresses to Mis Mary Otto, the pretty daughter Of John Otto, Hahn's near neighbor. fiahn is an attractive young fellow, and Miss Otto did not seem averse to his society. Last week ha ought the young lady's hand in marriage, but was refused. He was importúnate and continued to presa hii Buit, however, until Miss Otto finally declared that she would see no more of mm. taturday he drove into town and boujjht a large revolver and a box of eartridjfes. In the vening he repaired to the Otto fcomestead and asked to see the daujjhter of tlie liouse. A servant met hlm at the door and shortly returned with. messajre from Miss Otto berging to be excused. Thereupon Ifahn declared that he must see the girl and foroed his way past the 6ervant and into the house. In the hallway he met John Otto, who had been aroused by the altereation at the ioorway. The old man ordered the importúnate suitor to quit his premises. Angry words followed, and Haha énally shot Mr. Otto in the forehead, inflicting a fatal wound. William Otto, a brother of John's, entered the hallway jnst as the shot was fired. Haho turned on him, leveled his smoking weapon. and, with a curse, shot him aead. i he fren zied murderer then dashed out of the house, mounted nis horse and gallnped away in Ihe darkness. . News of he murder reached MeGregor at midnight. and the sheriff at once gathered a posse of men and started in pursuit of llahn. The murderer did not return home after the murder, but has not had time to pet out of the country. Be is tliought to be íd hiding in the dense forests along the Yellow river, and probably cunnot elude the sherifTs offloers. MissOttofainted when her father was shot and has been hysterical ever since It is feared she will lose her reason. There is intense excitement in and about the city over the tragedy, and ii Hahn is caught the sturdy farmers of the vicinity will, in all likelihood, 6ave the county the expense of a murder trial. It is thought that when Bahn went to the Otto house he intended to make one last appeal to Miss Mary, failing in which he planned to kill her and then tshoot himself.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register