Common Soap Rots C lothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. ■fea H"4pk"AKAKKsis"im-esinstant ■al Blrplirf and is un infallible ■_ Core for 1'iles. Hrioefl. lty W0 ■ ■ DruKírisIíormnil. iSamples F iJfre."AAKEsfS," I Ikk Vlloi 241S. New York City. AA 8 ALAR Y and Commíssion to tij 3 UU. Agent, Men and Women, Teacher 'f " w w" and Clergymen to introduce anw n popular Ntandnrd Iwok, MARVELS OF THE NEWWEST K mw AtTOiit Bold 7 In one week Aitit'n pronto 1S6.SO. Over 350 original eaxT&Tlngs. 10,400 oopLM oíd tn OSE WUE. Exclusive territorj. Endoreed by the rreem men of oor country. Agenta thoroughly niitnweed. Applyto 903 The HenryBill PublishingCo.,Norwich,Conn. Sïie Best and Purest Medicinefjj II Jk!jk.rtwin drive thoHumorfromyonrlll II i. C.8y8tera, and make yonr skinlll III % 'SiWWclean and emooth. Thoselll I "e Pimples and BlotchesUl H - a fty 6wluVh mar your bcautypa E3 4 t 4 vwLare caaaed by impureif Wll%„j. e ,%, ü.blood, and can bel IN 'fc V 4i"""'1 '■'.' l"ï--n'1'rtl S The Vose -V o . % n in spoonful. It la thcf % 9 I II bet and clïoapestTJk.9 fi. ■."% II medicine. Try it, f i %V I jjj tietltoCyour iB Qdoit'tWait. Getitatoncb 'V S i I H yon are euffVring from KJd Hl Hl ney Diseaae, and v. Ish to live tok III oíd age, use 8ULPHUB BirrEKS. UI ■II Tbey never tail to cure. Send 8 S-cent Btamps to A. P. Ordwsy & Co, Boston. Mjwss., for best medical work publlaheu? ISTIT ABBOB FRUIT-:-FARM! PEABS A.ND GRAPES A SPECIA.LTY All kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Tree &ud flowen, rram Ellwanoek & c(akki . Order Eurly hy SinlI. Syrups, Medicinal Winea, Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandellon and Othet Domestlc Grape Wines, prepated especiaUy for Invallds. Pure Plymonth Rock Eggs. EMJL, B AUR, W. Hueon-St. "New Firm? HAY1NG BOUGHT THE WOODYAE,D AHD FEED BUSINESS Ot GEO. H. EAZKLW00D, we propose to keep Woon f all kindH, Klndling Wood; also Baled HAT and xTRW, M.llIK and FEED, of the best quality, Charcoal, etc. Goods dellvered Tree to any part of the City. JVCaBh pald for Cara and Out. The firm will continue the Truck Business oi C. H. Jonss, as before. Orden by Telephone promptly attended to. H. O. OLABK, SS E. Huron-St. Telephone No. 14. Purify VOUR Blood WITH Hibbard's Herb (Extract A WONDERFUL CURE. ■ ifffrii This is a true likeáf JPJS ness ' me wcaring WMU artificial cose and H S upper lip af ter ScrofWrSfcSSSr "la badconsumed my H sSrT5y nosti and upper lip, 'R w7 curcd by Hibbard'h fffia Hehb Extract. This AjL. is not a Patent preparation of roots and herbs tbat cured me over 47 years ago, si nee when I have cured thousands with its use. It requires a pow tul veeetable remedy to effect sncL a care as my own. and my argument bas always been that the remedy that cured me would cure all forms of Scrnfula or other Blood and Skin Disoases. lts success has been phenomenal. Send for list of testimoniáis and printed history oí my case, or cali on me any day, or write and describe your case. Arivice free. MUS. J. HrBBAKD. Aroid fmitationa. Be sure above tradeI mark 1 on wrappar. CL.00 at all Druggtat. MIBBARD HERB EXTRACT CO., 307 Canal St, Chicago, HL
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