CITY COTICES. Visit the Fair at the Kink. 78 Children Cryfor Pitcher'9 Castorfa. Icea. OraDge, lemoD, strawberry, rBspberrj, pino apple, Roman punch, tf E. V. Hangsterfkr. Ice cream and Ices served to families in 1, 2, S or 4 qt. bricks. Hangsterfer. tf Inspect the ornamental and beautiful articles for sale or raffle at the Catholic Fair, in Palace Kink. Open every evening during the remainder of October. llefreshments every evening. 78 One thousand useful articles at the Fair in the Kink. 78 A Successful Life.- Hungry Joe- "So Puddin Pet is deadl He was a mighty successful feller, Bill." Sloper Bill- "You bet. He never done an hour'swork in his life."- New York Herald. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castorfa. TT- tit Cider Apples by the Ann Arbor Fruit and Vmegar Company. 71tf See the great pyramid of flowers at St. Thomas Fair. 78 Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorfa. Teacher- "Johnnie, which state in New England has two capital V" Johnnie - "New Hampshire." Teacher - "Indeed, name them?" Johnnie- "Capital N and capital H."- Brooklyn Eagle. Reforuicd. Mudge - I hear that Timmings' girl has induced him to give up his cigars. Yabaley- H'roh ! That's more than any of the boys conld ever do.- Indianapolis Journal. Nat Wantod. Poet - I have a little poem here, air ihat bas been indicted - . Editor- Well, sir, I would be glad to seeit convicted, but I cannot try it. - Life.
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