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m! and Bollatble. A good and reliable family medicine is Sulpbur Bitters. Every spring for six yeara I have been troubW with hoilH. Since I began using Sulphnr Bitters, I have not had a single one You can rely on Sulphur Bitters every time.- Editor Weekly News. 2 QHEATING 2 HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of %. Horse Blankei is imitated in color and style. In most cases the mitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn'tworth one-half asmuch. The fact that A Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the % trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. ffB f _, Five Mile for llfflMft Electric 4fegw I jflBA Extra Test HORSE BLMWETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5 A STYLES at prices to uit everybody. If jou can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask {af the Sa Book. Vou can get it without charge, WM AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. PORTRAITS! "IF YOÜ WANT A PORTKAIT FROM LIFE L Free Hand rom Ptiotograph, or any Permanent Eolargemeut, place your order at Cole's 8tndlo. Samplesof whose work are to be fonnd In the homes of Mrs. Dunster, Mrs. G. 8. Morris, Prof. A. Wlnchell, Mr. O. M. Martin and many others. Address, OOLE'S STUDIO, 851 Woodwardave. Detroit. $500 Reward ! WEwlllpeythe aboye reward lor ajr case of I.iver Complalnt, Dyspepsla, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Constipatlon or CostlveneM we cannot cure with Wait'i Vegetable Llver Pilis, when the dlrectlons are strlcily complied wllh. They are purely Vegetable, and nerer fail to glve satisfaction. Sngar Coatcd. Large boxei, coutaining 30 Pilis, 26 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitatlons. The gennlne manufacturad only by THE JOHN C. WEST C0MPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Kor Sale by all Dnifgista, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nlllAËBul Tvmon CÜRED . no knif.r linNliP Ifbook f riy. Drs.OKiTiiiüT Sun UHHUbll No. lij Urn Street. Eincinnti, O. r"%H" A ■-■MESS AÑT HKAD 11- fl U- NINKN (IRKII by mJ mm F I Peck's INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAK CUSHIONS. Whispers heard. Comfortable. Successful where all Remedies ful Hls. book and proof free. Address F. Hlicox, K.f Hroail wny, New Yorb. HAIR BALSAM $L5ï XÊ Clrani'pi snd Waittifiefi the hmir. EHéÍÍHb I'roniuvoi a hixuriant growtli. Mferr: wHNever Fails to Reatore Grav lMCfQÍr=fliH Haír to íts YoutUful Color." tYífife--HH Cure fcnip discfmes & huir lalUiig. Parker's Ginger Tonic. It cures the w.imt Coitii, "Weak Lungt, Debiliry, Indigestión, Pin,Tuke intime.ü4JcU. HINDERCORNS. The only mire cuif for Coma. Stopt Ilpaia. Öc. at Drutreïsts. or HISCOX to CO., B. T GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S GOGOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whlch govem the operations of digestión and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfat tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bilis. It Is by the iudicious use of such articleB of diet that a constilution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every teudency to aisease. Hundreds of eubtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there Ib a weak point. We may escape manya fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortifled with pure bleod and properly nourished frame."- Civil Service Qazctte. Made slmply with bolling water or milk. riold only in halfpoundtins, by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMKEPI'8k;o., HomaiipathicChemists, London, England. How Lost ! How Regained ! KNOWTHYSELF. JM Or SEL.F-PKKSERVATTON. Anewandonly GoldMedal FRIZB ESSAY on NEBVOUS and PHYSIGAIi 'DEBIUTY, ERROBS of YOUTH.EXHAC8TED YITAI.ITY, PREMATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES andWEAKNESSESofMAN. 800 pages, doth, gilt; 196 invaluable pregcriptions. Only J1.0O by mail, donhle eealed. DescripÜT Proepectoa with endorsemont mrr I SFND of the Presa and voluntar Kkl I 21 testimoniáis of the curea ■ llkbl NUlT, Consnltation in person or by mail. Expert treatment. INVIOlJLBLE SECRKCY and GERTAJN CURE. Address Dr. W. H. Psrker. or The Peabody Medical Inetitute, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston, Mam. The Peabody Medical Institute has rnsny imitators, bnt no eqnal. - Herald. The Science of Life, or Self-Preservation, is a treaeure more valuablfi than gold. Kead it now, Sery WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to lSTRONG .- Medical Review. (Copyrlghted J DETROIT June 21st, 1801. LAItSIlie A!f D JfORTUKRW R. R. GOING EAST. A. M. T. H. P. M. Leave HOWELL JÜNC. 9 4 15 8 15 ArrVe SOUTH LYON.... 10)2 4 50 8 45 _. " PLYMOUTH 10 32 5 18 07 " DKTKOIT 11 15 6 05 9 55 GOING Wem. A.. M. P. M. P. M. T. M. Leave HOWELL JÜNC. 8 50 12 43 7 27 6 50 ArrVelANSISG 10 00 160 8 18 9 30 ' GRAND LEDGE 10 30 2 35 8 40 9 55 LAKE ODKitA.. 1110 9 15 _.. " GR'ND RAPIDS. 12 10 10 15 _.. " 1ONIA 11 25 8 45 9 35 P. m. GREENVILLE... 12 2 4 57 10 32 " HowARDciry.. loo 535 11 ís CHICAGO Sept. 6th 1891. A I WEST HHIII'HJi K'V. GOING SOUTH. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS.. 9 00 105 530 830 Ar've HOLLAND 9 65 1 45 6 25 9 30 " GRAND HAVEN. 10 87 3 14 7 Oó 1 13 MÜSKEGON 11 05 4 15 7 35 10 45 GOING NOBTH. I A. M. P. M. Leave UR'ND RAPIDS ! 7 25 5 17 Ar've NEWAYGO „_ 8 52 6 49 WHITE :LOÜD._ 9 li 7 15 " BIG RaPiDS.. _ 10 15 8 10 BALDWIN 10 20 8 30 " LUDINGTON, I o i q i via. F.&P.M. R.k. í 20 9 M " MANISTEE, t ., in .„ .. vla. M & E. R. R. 12 10 10 15 " TRAVEK8E CITY 12 85 10 50 Parlor Cara on all train between rvirolt and Grand Raplds. Heats, 25 cents for anj ciistance. Free Chair Car bet ir een Grand Raplds and Man islee. Leave Grand Rapids 5:17 p. u The " Favorltes " between Detroit, Grand Raplds and all polnts In Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DeHAVEN, General Pauenser Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect October 4, 1891. Leave Ann Arhor from üourt Htrusts at 6.15 7.30, 9.20, 10 50 a. m , and 12.50, 2:fí, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.20, 9 50, 11.20. p. m. Leave TpHlanti at 6.00. 7.15,9.00, 10.30 a. m , and 12.30, 2.U0, 3.30, 6.00, 6.30, 8 00. 9.30, 11.00 p.m. SUNDAY TlXI TABLB. Leave Ann Arbor from Courl House at 2:20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50. 8.20, 9.50 p. m. Leave Ypsilanti at 2.00, 8.30, 5. CO, 6.30, 8.00, 9.30 p.m. Car run nn City Time. Coupon tickets 10 ct. For sale by conductora. WursterandKirn MASDPACT0RKK8 OF Fine Carriages, Wagons and Sleiru. Eepairing or all Kinds Neatly Done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OIV-E! TTS A. TBIAL. 21, 3S, and 25 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mlefa. Henry Richards, Dealer In all kinds of HARD WOOD, LT7MBBR, FBNOB POSTS, MAPLE FLOORING, etc, also NjiÈapillL And all kinds of Firewood. Prices as Low as Anv Dealer in the Citv, AGENT FOK THE W?0 BINDEEN ANO Mili Sa. 9 Delrult S., ■■ Ann Arbor. üllcb f%BüYSPOÜNDBAR p 51 BEST & MOST ktsyECONOMICAL ONLÏ OF A DOLLAR @ F ONE FÜLL YEAR FOR THE C" AMERICAN F HRMNEWS, Among the Best of Agrlcultural Monthlies and the only one of Fint-dan Qualitj, that coatí io little. Don't lose a nomber, bui end your 2s CENTS at once to the IflERICriNFriRnHCWS AKRON, OHIO. AOENTS WANTtD - - Wmrc ron Tekh.


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Ann Arbor Register