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BUSINESS CARDS. REAL ESTÁTE AND INSURANCE OFFICE, X. S ü. Main St, Ana Arbor. J. Q. A. SESblONS, - Attorney. Special attention giren to Rentinst and Selling Real Enlate and Fire Insurance. SIX INSURANCE COMPANIES RKPRESENTED Capital, $10.000,000. Twenty-Fivb Ykabs Kxpeeience. WM. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL PARLORS over 3avings Bank opposlte Court House Square. r, R. WILAIAMS, Attomey at Law, Hilan, Mlcb. Uaaej loaned fur ouWde partlea. All legal udncu glTen prompt attentlon. A LXZ. W. HAIOLTON, Aiiutgft at Lw. W1U pracUee Ín both State and United Watat (toorts. Office Booms, one and tiro, lirt llooro! ie new brlck bloek, coruer of Euros and FonrU) ktneta, Aar Axbor, Michigan. ARTHUR d. KITSON, Contracta & Builder. Eitimates furnished on all kinds of Architecture. RbsdIMCE amd Shop, 21 Geddes-ave. WM. BIGGS. Contractor and Builder, Aui all klnils of norh In conuectlon t(li the aboye promptly xeciited. Sr Shop Cnr. of Church-st and S. Unlversity ave. TeleDhone 9 : P. O. Box 1248. ATTeNTÏON ! DO ÏOB WANT anytbing in the line of BANANAS, ORANOES, FltiS. CANDIESorall kinds, UK CREAM, Fin8t OT8TERS In Every Style. a Eyerytljing at Wholesale and Keuui. Xi. & F. KOPF, 10 E. Hnron-st. CHOICE ME ATS r. Waablng ton-xt and Flfln-ave. Oor aim is to please our customers by alwayi hmiHtit the very Cholceat Meats that the maiket lÉnV M.P. VOGEL, DEALER IN FRESH, SALT1 SMOKED MEATS. AND GAVE IN SEASON. 22 K. Huron-St. - Ank Abbob. TRUCK AND STORAGE. Now we are ready wlth a New Brlck Storchouse forthe etorage of Honseholds, Planos, Booksand BtoTes. Piano and Furnlture carefnlly moved. All kinds of Heavy and Ught dray ing. FREIG HT W0EK. C. 3S. O-OX)FE,lï3TrResidence and Office, 46 N. Fourth Street. Telepkone 82. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Fancy -:-Millinery. INALLTHELATESTSTYLES. Sverybody lnrlted to Examine Stock. MES. J. L. JOHNSON, Jïo. 23 N. Maln-St. LUMBBR! LUMBBR! LUMBBR! you contémplate building oall at PERDÓN Lamber Yard Corner Fourth aad Depot Sta., and set our fisura for all kinds of LUMBEE We manuf&oture our own Lumber and sruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES. 49-iiT os a cali and we 111 maUelt o yonr lntereat, as onr lárice and wII raded ntck rally Nuxtnlna oar anen ilon. JAMES TOLBKKT, Prop. T. J. KZEOH. Sap. hriii ïê. ncfffinii ontains Tanscy. Pennfroyal and ■ ■■ . . Niverfall. At drog stores, or by h leoledi, In plaln wrappor, tor $l . l. N. -üeiit, Tolwio, 0 Wholi'al.'by Wili.uhs, .-.■ ï Bkook. I)etr-;it .V kh. FfiRTilNF v !:ï' v:' " run i unco tës&ssdist mreceivcd a onin worth $75. A man in Oranfte, N. J . picked up ernt worth 12. An Io ladv mhh ucrosi a almc wortli ÏS4. A Kansa faninr fuund in his cah a half-dollar wurtli 49.75. A Tejas clrrk got quartcr f..r wlui-li I imid 9. TIn' aliove but a re r tamnj roln worth blxprirrH, tnany of which are frund dailj'. Al f nñlftlA WANTED. i.i"rl-i'i UkU UVlllU;j lor USD , t.. and KIn l-rlci tor 900 otkerhlnd ifas requtred. Send rtftnip for particular. Y. K. Nkitmcr, tSo WillljDgtoii Street, ■!■, 31as. J Mitoheü'sKidncys ' IC- -J Aïisorb alldÍ3e:i.' □ Ík I retortljcmtoah . , Mg! W fhronic fcRlne; s Í ï they g't no reKi f v ] SUTCIIEr.Ifi ! V, ■ - i'i.As'r::: .-. ■ ikuvtlty l'i.ilr WorkN, Lowell, . . V - lJ m Hi1 salisss The LarstHU Fattnl and Flnt I the World. UW YORK. LONDOKDtRRY AND BLAS80W Furnrssia Nov 28 Ethiopia Dec. 10 Dkvonia Dee. 3 anchoru „ " 12 Clbcassia ' fi Dkvonia " 26 NEW YORK. GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS ANfl STEERAGE rutes onlowêtterms to ant f rom The principie SCOTCH, ENCIISV, I8ISI MD AU CONTWEHTH POOT Kxmrsion Ticket reduced, made availnble to return by ettlier the 1-tu resane Clyd & North oí lreland, or Naples & UfhraJtar. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS FORAKYAMOUKT at loweet curren t rwU'H. Apply to uny of our local agenta, or to HKNDERSON BROTHERS, Chicogo, III. JAMEN R. BACB. Agent f WHY DO YÖÜ CÖÜGH ? j ■Do you knon tl at a llttle Cougb; Is a dangcrona tliing DOCTOR lAGKER'Sl ENCLISH IREÜEDYl Will Stop a Cough at any time: ■ and Cura the worst Cold in: ;tvrclve hours. A 25 Cent bottle : :ir.;iy savo you $100 in Doctor's: ! b::i3 my save your Ufe. AGK YOU3113UGGIST FOTl IT. TASTE8 GOOI) j I "pu"HE"plVK"prÜL8 : Dr. Aeker's English Pilis: : CtTItE INDIGESTIÓN. : ■Simill, ilvaKnt, a fvorl(f ivlth t lnIle. Z W H. IlOOKElt &. CO-, v-st Rroadway, N. Y. li i" ■i.....!. ■■ i MOTHERS Friend" makes child birth easy. Colvin, La., Dec. 2, 1886.- My wife nsed MOTHEE'S FKIEND before her third oonfinement, and saya she woold not be without it tor hundrods of dollars. DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 1.50 per bottle. Book " To Mothers " mailed free. BRAOFIELO REGULATOR CO., naLiiYLi onuoaisT. ATLANTA, SA LOÖSiEXTÜiiCT CLOVEfilipSSOM C4NCE.B' a Female Weakurss Sores, Ulcera, Tumor, .Ibscesseg, Blood Poisonlng, Salt Jiluuin Catarrh, Eryslpelas, Kheumatlsm aml all Blood and Skin Diseaseg. Prick i. per Pin: Bottle. or 6 Bottles for $5. 1 Ib can Solid Extra-: -5o. J. M. LOÓSE RED CLOVER CODetroit. Mich. Soid bv 11 druggr.ti. Aak my nicoiitn lor . I . Dotiffltta Milus. If not for HKleinyonr plnreask your denier to send t'r cHtnlofftie, secure tlie iiüenry, aml g;et Iliem for yon. -TAKK NOSIJBSTl'rUTE. U WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE centPeVn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE NONE ? It Is a seamless shoe, with do tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best flne calf, stylish and easy, and because oe make mare shoe of this grade than any other manufacture It equals nandBerfed shoes eostinjf froni $4.uu to $5.ÜÜ. CC 00 Uenuine Haud-newed, the finest calf fwa sboe ever uffered for $5.00; equals French Iniported sboes whlch cost f rom fS.Ooto $12.00. CÍA 00 Hauri-Sewed Welt Shoe, line ealf. ■ styllsh, comfortsble and durable. The best shoe ever ofTered at thls price ; same grade as eustom-made sboes eostiug f rom tti.iJO to $9JX. (go 50 Pólice Shoe; Farmers, uatlroad Mea vi and Lettc-r Carriers all wear tbeni; fine calf, seamless, smooth inslOe. heavy three soles, extensión edge. One pair wil I wear a year. CO 30 flne cnlft no better shoe ever offered at wbi this price; one trial wlll conrlnce those who want a shoe for comfort and service. tiO L5 and S.00 WorklnKiimiTft shoes 9&i are very strong and duruble. Tbose wbo have giren them a trial wlll wear no other make. pAyC &. 00 and S. 7-1 ttchool shoes are DUID won bythe boyst-vt-rywhere; tbey sell ou tlieTr merlts, us the Increasing sales show. oHÍac 0(l iliuid-icwcil sboe, best kCIU I C9 Iauko1u, vi-rvstyliüh; equals Freueh imponed sboes eostiairírom si.mi to$6.u. l.atlicN' '2.50. Í4.00 itiid $1.75 shoe for Missesare the best fluflKmola. styllsh and durable. ('iiuiiu. st?e thut U'. L. Douglas name and price are stampei! .m the iwn imn uf each shoe. W. I.. DOUQLAS, Brockton, Mass. MM ICK1MIAU1 I .1 CO., 42 S. Main St. It Curet Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis ud Asthina. a c-ruíin care ror ConSUmption 1d tirst naire. and m, oure relief In advanced etages. trietou. You willsee the excellent effect after tak ing the first dose. Suid v dtak-ri evuywhere. ATt Boi[lt, M MOtl nd $1.00. It Curca Influenza.


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Ann Arbor Register