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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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Organizett IStíí. nnder the Genera. Bankinu of this State Capitil, $50,000, Surplus, {100,000, Total kets, $820,Q0f, Bu8inea8 Men, Guardians, Trustees, Ldies anti other persons will fimi this Bank a Safe and Convenient Place at whloh to mak Deposita and do Businas. INTEREST IS ALLOWED ON ALL SAVTNGS DBPOSITS of $1OO and up"warde, aooording to the rules of the bank, and interee compounded semi-annuelly. Money to Loan n Sums of $25 to $6,000. SECUBKD BY üitlSCmCBEKID RÍAI. STATE AND OTHER GOOD RICTÜIITJia. DIREOTORS :- Ohrlatian Mack, W. W. Winea, W. D. Harrimet, William Deuble, Dvid Rineey, Daniel Hiacock, W. B. Smlth and L. GruOFFIOERS : - Chriatlan Mac President ; W. D. Harriraan, Vice President ; O. E. Hisoock, Cashier. Report of the Condition of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the cIom May 1, 18'Jl. KiSOÜRCÏS. . UABILITISS. Loiis and Í!ou.nte-"--;" ! 152 il CaplUtl Stock f 50.000 01 Stocks. bonda.mortgage9, te ín 42 26 8urpluFund „. _ 100,000 0 Overdtatta.. -""" '.'mÖ 85 Undivided Proflts. -'",339 r nTeexx&"d:::::::: SS LSSSSSm. S Due from 'othëi"bln'k"and 11ÍÍSS Certlfcates of deposlt _üf c".s Cheaïïcïïïliiïïïï::.!. '229 80 1827.667 27 Nlckcli and peanlea 14153 State of Mivhioan, Cousty of WashtenaW, a. g,,00.'.11 ""soo 00 I. Chas. E. Hisoock, Caahier of theabovc aameö n s i an4 at"Büii"nöt5i'.V' 15Í968 00- 137.UJ6 uti Bank, do olemnly swear that the above tateU. 8. ana rat. nu-... "; ; memt s trae, to the best of my kncwledee tod I8277 27 belief. CHAS. K. HI9O0CK, Ca'-hier. COBEEcr-Attest: Cbriitias Uack. h. Grlner. Wm. D. Haeriman, DtTMÜ Sataeribed and sworn to before me. this U day of ; FRITZKoUry PMW,


Old News
Ann Arbor Register