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Í1Y0RY SOAP 99L Pure. THE BEST fOR JVER... image
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Í1Y0RY SOAP 99L Pure. THE BEST fOR JVERy'fURPOSE, CHÊAtiNG HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of fa Horse Blankei is imitated in color and Style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength.and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn't worth one-half asmuch. The fact that Á Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the yk trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. MBÊ i _ Five Milo Ask #fc Ja Bcs3 for fl Electric % JPfö Extra Test HORSE BLANKETS ABE THE STRONGE3T. 100 5 A STYLES it unces to suit everybody, If jou can't gd tiiem fnini your dealer, wr'te us. Ask foi 'les,i Kook. Vou can get it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Bfc ■ ■ C3 Pi ' ITKK. '■-(;' [rlves Instant fc H '')■■ uu liilnllible UB gjL ' ■■■■ ! ■ ' :. ity S Sf .- IXAKESIS," ■ B BS Efea F j' --.i's Iicw iuik City. THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ fflTRUTHSF0RTHE81CK, lfl Kor thcr-o ieathlyl $1,000 wiU 1)0 paid III lBlllo8Sp"Usflpenl foracasewhere Sul III .iSrn,pi:iiKBirci;R? piuk Boters willlll [it wlll cure van notnsslftorourc. It n L,m „;rfPrH.h VCTfai'Sra jBüiaHired and allgonc cieanec the ritiated BI ■Hteelinf;; if o. use (,lood wlien you seelll nsuLPHiTR BHTEB3; t impurities burstll iBit will cure yon. injrtlirough the skin! II UI Operativos wU are In Pimples, BloUihe,BI gthe milis and work. Sui'I?c?ABl7n'l;JlS'H fliBhopsíclerks.whoüo i""1 hcaltl wiU íolBj ■Onot procure sufuclcnt ,___l RJezorcise, and al who kTi IH lti 1 1 Klis. ïneywlll t ï illiurrUI Snotthcubcweakand SC"i"i:"re" "irTOinfoTóTTísh Sr.11'"! !ir'irTEE5lII tl to BDSbr from ""u' bluW .vou "I' ana,w lllaUsm, use a boltle of "'akf -v"u strousandBI jlsiiu-iUK Bitters; hyalihr. M Don't bc wlthuW a willmakv vonrliloodïS jSbottle. Try it; von i'ure,rii-liii!ilstronK.Eia Ijl will not repret ifc. umi Jour flcHlihnrcC Ijl lTjadiesiuupUeít1 Try M!vnriïBl lhealth, who are uil peum to-ntgbt, andlll yon wl'.l sleep wclllll B t'i.PnrK f-' riiir-.. ■■ ' ,'"j''.,';V"''r.,f"rlt-M Doyouwmit tlw lK-stiMiiji':'l VViK pulilished? fend 3 2-rent Sfamps to !' np.oïrXï & Cov Boston, Mabs.. aud recvlvo A ■ , y.Uxé. Wood's Phosphodine The irnt Engliih Kempdy. ■ÉkTBt ly cures 11 forma of A'eroBJ''VflBjáBVo"w """'iM. Kmtnitorw, f 1 5U BaÏ íípíTmiíírrU'ít Impotency JÊ&S JM&y9 Excêsutf. Been prescribid ■fc.flhSVaL over :i yoara In thousands Bcfore and Alter, able and Honcxt Mdictne known. Ask druggtst for Wood's Puosphodink; lf he offers some wortbleft medicine la place of -hls, leare hts dishonest store, lnclose prlce in letcer, and we will aend br return mail. Prlce, one ackage, (I ; slx, 8 . One wül pUasc, nix wUX cure. P&mphlot in plain sealed envelope, 2 Btamps. Addreis THE WOOD CHRHIlAf, CO., 1S1 Woodward avenue, Detroit, Mlch. Mold in Vmi Arbor bjr all respoasible rnrelt. iÉd55!ooK'$ Coïïon Root m$ p5r compound. ■jfEfl l A reoeut dlscovery by an old 'M&B ij physlcian. SiKcemfitly used I HT. T mcmthly by thouasnds of 1 m -W"" Lculles. 1 the only perfectly ■ w' v 8'e and reliable medicine SVT jdisoovered. Beware of un■■F prlnclpled druicirlsts who of■■ fer inferior medicines i n place of thls. Ask for Cook's (;ott n Root Compound, ah na suhstitute, or lnclose $1 and 6 cents in poftage in letter, and we will seud, tealcd, by renrn nuil. Fnll sealed partícula In plain enrelope, to ladies only 2 stampa. Address Pond I,lly t'ompany, No 8 Flsher Block, Detroit. Mich Sold In !■■ Arbor by all reaponsible WürsterandKirn MANOFACTÜBKES 0T Fine Carriages, Wagons and SleUth. Bepaiiing of all Kinds Neatly Done. Satis faction Guaranteed. 3IVJHJ TTS A. TBIAL. M, 2. And as IHitroit Slrert. l Artxtr, Mlk.


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