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University Of Michigan

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The regenta haring furmally given their sanction to the University Extensión movetnent, the president last week published a circular showing the course of lectures wbich f rofessors of the University were willing to deliver. There are offered studies in Greek life and literature, by Profa. D'Ooge and Pattengill; Roman art and literature, by Piofs. Kt'lsey and Rolfe; Assyriology and its hearings, by Prof. Belser; French literature, by Prof. Walter; üerman literature, by Prof. Thomas; Enjjiish language, by Prof. Hempl; rhetoricand art criticism, by Prof. Sooti; English literatur', by Prof. Demmon; history (European and American) by Prjfs. Hudson and McLaughlin; philosophy, by D . Lloyd; science and art of teaching, by Prof. Brown; poütical economy, by Prof. Adams and Dr. Hickf; rausic, by Piof. Stanley; printing and books, by L brarianD vis; Profs. Bi man, Cole, Ziwet and Dr. Marktay; general chemistry, by Prof. Freer; bacl ■ ology, by Pr')f. Novy; popular R8lr..nomy, by Mr. Hussey; geology, by Mr Bherzer; zoology, by Prof. Steere; elocu!ion und oratory, by Prof. Tiucblood; surveying, by Prof. Davi; .'rawing and perspective, by Piof. Denison; mechanical engineering, by Prof;. W.igner,Cooley, Taylor and Dpnison. These lectures will be delivrred at such place?, not too far from the University, where classes will be organiz; d. There will be oral quizzes after each lecture, but no credit on the books of the TJniversity will be given. If the plan provea a success, the Uuiversity will become more tban ever tlie I":iveríity of Michigan. AROÜND THE CAMPUS. R A. Hall has been elected president of the Jeffersonian society T. E. Robinson, pharmic'92, has beer elected base ball manager. The senior medies have about decided to wear caps and gowns. Dr. Meade, the new instructor in philosophy, began his work in the Uní" versity lasí week. The Júniora will celébrate their fooi ball victories this evening at Armory Hall with a banquet. A new society has been staited in the literary department for the purpose of studyingparliamentary law and extemporaneous speaking. The able anniversary report of President Angelí has been published in pimphlet form. It was printed by the Register Publishing Company. Prof. F. N. Seott lectured in Chicago Thursday evening on "How to Read the Newspaper." He delivered the name lecture Friday evening in F reeport, III. Prof. Nathan Abbott lectured Tuesday before the Webster society on the "Students of I..TW in Dekens' Nnvels." Music was furnished by the Ann Arbor B;irjo and Guitar clnbAu intere8ting program was given by the Jeffersonian society Friday evening. The debate on the subject, "Resolved that selflshnefs is a greatr civilizer than benevolenre," was not formally decided. Tomorrow evening a pronouncing cnntest will be held under the auspices of the Oratorical Association. Twentyfour persons from both the law and erary departments will take part. Profr. Kiiowlton andScott will actas referee. The new offieers of the Political Science Association are: President, Dr. F. C. Hick; vice president, J. M. Cole; secretary and treasurer, F. H. Dixon ext'cutive cotnmittee - the offioers anc Prof. McLaughlin, Prof. Adame and Miss Bundy. The Independent caucus ?aturdi y morning resulted in the nomination of the following candidatec: President Van Tuyle; vice president, "Miss Tay lor secretary, Míbs Goodrich; treasurer Mr. Davifc; orator, Mr. Holt; historian Mr. Grimes; poetess, Miss Criar: m n; prophetess, Miss Post; toast m:ister, Mr. Russell. In the after noon au attempt was made to elec officers, but mischievous sophomores invaded the room and it was impossible to elect any officers after the orator.


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