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Röttth Lyon is in the uiidst of u revival. Fifty-four pupÜB ia theSouth Lyon un ion school. Miss Lsdd, of Plymouth, is teacher of tue Worden schoo!. Lyndon Bapti&t church will giva donation party totnorrow night. Kugene Smith, of Hillsdale, will or ganize a dancing school at Manch Pattersou Bush, an o'.d residen' Lyndon township, died on Wedm - laat. Weston, after a three y residence in Dakota, bas return Unadilla. A. Qabel has bought from A. Mayl ■ thecoalkiln three miles southe;. Whittaker. A. Á. Stringbam hae been elei 1 1 commander of the Comitock PA R. in Manchester. The Ladiea' Library Association : Dexter has taken possession of PO over James' drug store. lire. A!va Litch field, a reBÏdpiiWebster, died laat week Wedne-sda; and wasbuiied o:, Friday. D. F. Smith, of Whitmore Lak e killed three Poland China pig, bi i laat May, which weighed 899pouudf W. B. Wester, of Stockbridge, il ■ not close his billiard hall at ten o'clork and is now the defenJant in a erimin i Bdtt. Whittaker, asa thief whosteal di off their hingt?. He is a brother ol fellow who stolg a saw mili, and güiny back after the mili dam, was arrest ii. Adrián Press. The high school library hasageniii: .1 scientific Thomas cat that takee laug!:ing gas and snbmits itselfto otljVi scieutiüc experiinentfi, if not wiil relish at least with good groce for ; feline. --Howell Democrat. Wolverine Lodge No. 197, 1. O. O. V., elected officers last Saturday eveninji as followt: Q., E. W. Mead; V. G., C. H. Kelsey; secretary, W. W. Wooeott; treaenrer, John Steidle; L. I)., Aaron Sanford. - Milan Leader. D. A. Downer.of Morene!, will forfoii the $100 he posted and give up his plan of driving his mare 100 miles in 10 bourc lie saya he will win the money back another season, when Ihe weather and roadsare better. - Chelsca Herald. The honors heaped upon yonng Tracy L. Towuer, of Ypsilanti, are about enough to give him curvatme of the spine. He ia not only circuit court commissioner, but has been appointed agent of the state board of correctionand charities. - Adrián Prees. TheSouthernWashteuaw farmers 'club will meet at the residence of W. H. Heuion Friday, Dec. 11. Th program im; will consist of an essay by Mr?. Frank Spafard, press clippings by A. D. Eng lish, subject for discuseion "Winter care.of farm stock," paper, H. R. Palmer." They bad a house warmingalRev. Fr. Ternes' yesterdny . Frs. Biiyseand Saluss of Jackson, Wallace and Theigon of Adrián, De Bevee of Ypsilanti and A. B. Ternes, a brother of Fr. Ternes, from Detroit, were present and enjoyed the jood fellowship. - Manchester Enterprise. Jatnis McCabe was biought before Justice Calkins charged with disposing of a horse on which James Blackwood held a chattel mortgage. In the ezamination the defendant claimed he was so drunk he did not know he had dUposed .of the prnperty.- Soiith Lyon Excelsior. The Stony Creek correspondent of the Milan Leader asks: ''Who cansolve the mystery? Oneverybody's farms are the notices, "No shooting allowe'l," and y et not unfrequently are gun reporta heard all day Suuday. Mifsionaries are needt-d ftt home as wpII as abroad." Mrt. Maulbetscli, of Northñeld, wen' hunting with lier buaband last week. and shet a fox before noon. Mr. Manlbetsch meanly claimed all the glory by .isserting thíit as a man and his wife are one, and the man is the head of tbe woman, he therefore shot the fox. Adriau Press. Frank Logan has rented the '.T.ÜUn pkee iii Bridgtwater for three yearB and will move thereon March lat nexl. Frank is young and ndnstrious and a!thougti he luih 290 acres of land nou n der lais control, we thiuk he is pqual to the task ofmakingasucceps.- Manc1ieter Enterprise. The Ladies Union Home Mission.. society met in the lecture room of ihe M. E. church yehtorday afternooii elected oflicers as loüows-: PresiJi i'. Mrs. H. A. Vincent; vice president. Mre. Emeliue Fuller; secretary, Mis. M. A. Palmer; treasurer, .Mts. M. A. NVall -cc. -Milan Leader. A fatal accidentoccurred late Wadnea day nightoa the Michigan Centra), u far west of Chelsea. wui. Oesterle. a resident of Sylvau Centre, was strix-k by thecaidand instantly killed. Three trains pasaed by liim before the remaini: were laken away. The Chelsea party that went in search of him foiiiul himlying bttween the railp, with his kull crushed and one Ipgcu! nff. The liveliest merriest lady in Ypsilanti town ts Mi?. Jerome Ranson. !,i, iespite great IkkIíIv afflictions ir,i.!l i,t to advanced age, and not vet recovered from a splintered wrist and brokeü ankle, returned last week frotn visfliui; a uiece iii Salem and on Tbankgeiving day went to Detroit and while goiii' i., receivegood cheer. ühecheersereryoni' with wi om she mingles. Commercial Mr. Win. Kuiler, who lias beeii in tl: iinploy of G. U. Ilaniinoiulas shepl for soine two years pasl, starteci y day for üix weekt visil to his !i(.'me in Engtend. Mr. Butler's wonderfn in carine for and fitting sheep ha,the. subject of much favorable continpi i among the Shropshirebreedera ol Michigan. A Scotch Collie dog which Mr. Butler trainee!, and for which a recen' offer of $200 was refuseö. is said U everyone who has sceii him work with the sheep, to be the best traineil shei hord Jog tliey over ;.,.. V ; . - i 1 a 1 1 1 i i 'iimmt'rein!.


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