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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M ■ M A Kf O and Tumors CURKD , tío ! liDNIÍr Klraokfrer. Drs.HRATiOKT ü Ni-min UHIlUfcl) v. 163 Kim stv.-t , s„„„„u, JI-" ZA !■ mh;h ir k Kit bj1- L- T I Peck's IS VISIBLE TUBULAKKAKCUt-HIONS. Wbispere heard. Comfonable. Suceesslul where all Remedies fail. Hls. book and prooi free AiMresa '. Illscox. K3A KrnnOwi,}', xw York. Agrandoffer; ks;vss i l.Kiiin wanted for our Nursery Stock. 87 to 8150 per month JiAI.ARV. orcotn nnssion. No esperienee needed. Address wlth reierepce. H. E. Menel & Co., Oeneva, N Y. PARKER'S Bi3L. HAIfi( BALSAR jBliever Falls to Sestoi i.'w Ptirker'fl Ginger Toiiic. J' cire tho l Wert I.'inipi, D-hIlïcy, Indigestión, Phïu, Tiikc In time. '■ , H1NDÈRCORNS. Tne úniíurectircfu r 6íop Ti pu. Bc. at Liniggiita, or UISCOX s. CO., ? ORATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. 'By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which goveru the operatlons of digestión and nutrition, and by a oareful application of the flne propertlee of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has proTided our break fat tables witli a dellcately flavonred beverage which may save ua many heavy dottors' bilis It is by the iudlcRus use of such articles of diet that a constltutlon inay be gradually built up until strong enough to resltt every teodeney to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladics are floatirjg arouud us ready to attacic wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape mauy a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvcs well for tifled with pure blood and nroperly nourisbed frame."- Civil Scnln G: zette. Made slmply with bolllng water or milk. sold only In half pound tlns, by Grocers, labelled thus : JAM KH KPP8 r., Homce.pathicf:hemlsi!. London. England. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of Ui is Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Alt draggisls are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guaiantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand. That it may becoine knowu. the Proprietois, at an enormous expense, are piacing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United Siates and Canada. If youhave a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use il, for it wiil cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cou;;h, usc it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, usc it. Aak your Drug;. [.'.'■: SHILOH'S CURE, Price locts., 50 cis. and Jl.oo. If your Lungs are sore or back ame, use Shiloli'-j Porous PJastei, Price 25 ets. MAGEE'S EMULSIÓN No other proprietary medicine ha the endorsement of Physicians to the same extent. None is used in Hospital practice with so large a percentage of satisfactory results. No other remedy has cured 90 many cases of CONSUMPTION and other Pulmonary Diseaees. 8CROPU LA is entirely eradjeated from the system by its use. It is as easy to take as Maple Syrup or Honey, and can be retained by the most delicate stomacha without nausea. F YOU haT? a Cold' Cough, Bron-, chitis, ñyspepsia, or a generally run-down system, you can regain health and trength quickly by the use oí MACEE'S EMULSIÓN Aik yovr Drugglit ftr 1, nd takt onl; that llbl4 MAGEE EMULSIÓN CO., tawrenw, Mass. How Lost ! How Regained I KROWTHYSELF. JfÈb Ot 8ELT-PBESERVAT1ON. A nw and onlï Gold Medal PBIZB ESSAY on SEBVOUS od PHYSICAL DEBIL1TY, ERROB8 of TOÜTH,EXHAESTED VITAIJTTlFMMATDBE DECLINE, nd U 1USEASEN nd WEAKNBSSES of MAN. 300 para, doth. gilt; 1 lSTkln&ble pwscriptioni. CSüy p.oo by mail, doubl amled. Deecripüv Prospectat with ndoreementi mppi CFNn of tb piw. mi ToiauurT FRr r I ínw usümoiüals of the caiti I lllfc ' nl)W. ConsaltAtioo ia person or by cudl. Exprt treètBMflt. INVIOLABI.K SKCKECT and CESYLSÍ?5iJiiíftSí5&. Ifc. ?-Bopíes-fl?rl BoAton. Mawt. The Peabody Medical Intiitine h.. iuu; )m Uton, bat no equal. - Btrald. Th Science of Life, OT Sflf-Pretervtttion, is ft t&avurc mora valuable tban gold. Read tt now, 7m WEAK in,l NERVOÜS m0, nd krn 10 STRONO .- Mtdieal Jterir.r. (Copyright.; Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table taking effect October 4, 1891. Leave -I"". Arbor from C'ourt House at 6.15 7.30. 9.2C . .5O a. m , and 12.50, 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, 6.50, 8.0, 9 50, 11.20. p. m. Leave Ypgüanli at 6.00, 7.15,9.00, 10.30 a. m., and 12.30, 2.U0, 3.30, 5.00, 6.30, 8 00, 9.30. 11.00 p.m. SlINDAY TlMK TABLK. Leave Ann Arbor from Court House at 2:20, 3.50, 5.--0. 6.50. 8.20, 9 50 p.m. Leave Tpsilanti at 2.00,8.30, 5.00, 6 30 8 00 9.30 p.m. Car run nn City Time. Coupon tickets 10 ets. For sale by conductora. DETROIT Nov. 15th,1891. HXSIMi ASÍD UrORTHERN R. K. GOING EAST. A. M. P. M P. M. Leave HOWELL 7 27 4 10 S 59 Arr've SOUTH LYON.... 8 0; 4 50 '.".'.'". ' PLYMOUTH 8 30 t, 13 9 45 " DETKOIT 9 26 6 05 10 40 QOINQ WEST. A. 5Í. P. H. P. M. P. M. Leave HOWELL JÜNC. 8 55 12 38 7 23 6 4r Arr've HNSING.... 10 05 150 8 18 8 05 " GRAND LEDÜE 10 30 2 30 8 40 8 30 I,KR ODESSA. 1110 9 15 " GR'ND RAPIDS.. 12 10 10 15 IOiNIA 1135 8 45 9 10 GREEXVILLK... '"i 4I8 10 37 " HOWARD CITY..I 110 5 35 1120 CHICAGO Nor. 15th 1891. A ! WEtiT MHHK. V K'V. OOING 80DTH. A. M. P. H. P. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS. 9 00 12 05 5 30 8 30 Ar"ve HOLLAND 9 55 12 45 6 25 9 30 " GRAND HAVEN. 10 37 3 14 7 05 118 MUSKEGON „ 11 05 4 15 7 35 10 45 OOING NOBTH. A. M. P. M. Leave GR'ND RAPIDS 7 25 5 17 Ar've NEWAYdO „.. 8 52, 6 49 WHITE 'LOUD 9 171 7 15 " BIG RAP. D9 10 45Í 8 15 BALDWIN 10 27 3 34 " LUDINGTON, I !,' . a m via. F.AP.M. R. R. f 2 9 ' MANISTEE, 1 10 on ,n via. M &E.R.R.Í 12i0 10 i ' TRAVEH8E CITY. „■■ 12 5 10 59 Parlor Cara on alï trams between Detroit and Grand Rapids. Seats, 25 cents for anj dlstance. Free Chair Car between Grand Rápida and Man Iitee. Lsave Grand Rapids 5:17 ?. k The 'Favorites" between Detroit. Grand Rapids nd all potnts In Western and Northern Mich Igan. QEO. DsHAVEN, General Pataeuger Agent. pKCiHHAn.HAIIHJOIiaOOTTDITB53 lcnCnNTl. HAHnjOMAOAl DH3 CINCINNAH, HAMILTOW &DAYTON R. R. A. y A. M '.e. M I P.M. Lv. Toledo +6 I L0 1 8 301140 A.M. " DesliUr 8 ld 11 25 4 46 ï 50 P. M.! - Lima 9 12 47' 6 15 2 02 " 8idney 10 i" 1 45 7 20 3 10 " Piqua 11 l: 2 W 7 46 3 35 P M " Dayton i i 15: 8 50 4 50 " Hamilton I I 1 i: 9 52 6 03 Ar. Cincinuati 2-3; 5 0 10 50 7 Oó A.H ■ IudlaLapi 11 7 1 .1 12 M 9 20 The only line leaving Toledo in lic evening, by wliich you can secure Sleeping Coaches, reaching Cincinitati early following morniilg. Parlor Cars ou Day Expresi Trains. Direct oonnectionB with all Southern Lines. See that your tickets read via. C H. & l) . between Toledo, Cincinnati and Indianapolip. D. B. TRACY, N. P. A., 155 Jtftrton Ave., DETROIT. tKxceptSundajs. " Dallr. a Scientific America jjgtk Hb. A9efcy fr iLJ WF CAVEATS, TB MÉT TRAOE MARKS, PM P DESIGN PATENTS ff' COPYRIGHTS, etc. Por Infonmuion and free Handbook write to MUNN CO., 3fii Bhoauway, New York. Oldest bureau tor scouring patenta In America. Bvery patent taken out by ns Is broiisht bef ore lae publlo fcy a notice (rtven free of charge In tbe f ümúíu mtntm I jirt-est oirculatloo of anv dentinc paper in tbe world. Splendidly illnatrated. No lntollleent man should 1 wlthont it. Weeklj, 93.00 a vear; HM sil rnontbs. Address MDNN CO., Pnni isiiFHS, Sfil Broadway, New York. ONLY OF A DOLLAR k sfc J FOR ' HP OHE FÜLL YEAR FOR THE IL 'AMERICAN r ARM NEWS, Atnong the Best r Agricultural Monthliei and the only onc of Firat-Clui QualitT, thst copU io little. Don't loe a nnmber, bul ■end your 26 CENTS al once to tb inERioiNFiRnNews AKRON, OHIO. ACENTS WANTED - - WTC fok Tirni. f%.BÜYSPOUNDBAR &5:pESTM0ST yECONQMiCAI.


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