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Dr. Fruth

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Formerly of New York. now the celebratci Examlnlng Physictan of the Chicago Mkoical and So " oiCAL iMsTiTtr, Chicago, 111., by request of mui} Priende and Patiënte, has deoided to vlilt ANN ARBOR Thursday, DECEMBER 24, 1891. Thls ! an eroepttonally good opportunlty to receive Consultatie and Eramlnation Free and Striotlr Confldenttal, In the Private Parion of the CO JK HOUtJK- one day only. Ïh Fi L_ ■■■'■■ % " ■'■- -■V--'--V-"íl;v'.'.-ísí C 3DZR,. A.. O. FRUTH, Examlnlng Phytician of the Chioago Medical aad Surgioal Instituto. Permanently Established and Incorporated under the laws of the State of Illini with a capital stock of $100,000, for the scientiflc and sucoessful treatment of all forma of Chronic and Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, Stomach, Kidney, Bladder, Nervou and Special Diseases of Men and Woment Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. FralIteaeiipo8itlvelycuredbyanever Epllepsy r Fita podtirelr cured by oor f&lling method. A home trentment enilrely barm new and never falliug Hospital treatment. lew and easlly applled. Consultaüon free and Ktdny or Bl4dr nimn, Brlthd trlcily oonfldenital. mmmm.m_m. „M . „ „r dihnhm, Diabetes and kindred maladiei. lr. rtith, after years of experience, hag M-Ai mnX P11nI. wtívi in -- -■ ory. Weak Back. Melancholy, Want oi Energy, Private Mañanen- Blood Poison, ByphUll Premature decline of the Manly Power- those Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Strlcture. Hydrocele, Varlco, terrible arislng from rulnous practlees of dg, l of SeXuI Power, and all dlseases of the youtx.bliehtingine most mdiaut hopeB, rendering genlto urlnary organs speedily and permanently marrlage unhappy. .___.. _. cured. No rik incurred. CónsulUtton free and Youhk who. throueh limorance orthe strlctly confldí-nllal. Medicine sent free from obcarele exuberanpfl of Touthful mlnni. have been serv&tion to all parta of the Unlied State. unrortunate nnd Bni tbemtelvea In dariter of lokini thetr health and embtiterlni thelr after livea nlnrrli Cgn rt.- Catarrh al affectlon of the may. before idiocy, Inumity, falline Su or tojal nose ihroat lunes añil itoma:h. bronchitis, asthma impotency reduit, cali with full confidence. consumntion and dyspfpsia. ■nccefwtully treated lfios Cured without pain, knife or cautery. by the most recent Miid sclentlflc methods whtch No detention from business. a vatt hospital experlence haê proved worthy 9lBrriK - Mamed persona or yourg men of confldence. We deslre nobetter proof of mccontemplatlng marrlage, a ware of physical weak cesa (han the testimonial, on file at the Instílate aew, loMolprocreailTepwers, Impoteicy.oi auy ofthoui-andsofhelplesacasesthatwebaTerestored other disqualiflcatlon, speedily restored. to health and happlaesa. Froe EiHtiilnntlan of ihc Kach person applylng for medical treatment should eend or bring an ounce of their urine, which wlll receive a careful Chemical and microscopioal examina tlon WflWtHBïTf! PÜBP? Perfected in old cases wblcta have been neg'ected or nnsktllfuUy treated. W Jft Utfti UM wUAHÏ No experimenta o ■ failure. Harties treated by mail and express. but wfce- possible, iersonal consultation is preferred. Curable cates guaranteed. & Cases and correspondence confldential. Treatment ent C. O. D. to any part of 0. 8. Lilt of ISO qnestion free. DR. A. C. FRÜTH, 80 Vanburen 9t., Chicago, llh.


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Ann Arbor Register