Gone To Her Reward
Boston. Dee. l - Miss .lulia A. Amos, editor oi the Fni'.m Sinal, tha official organ of the Woman's Christian Tempera] and a resident ol EvanstOD,IU.,died in this city Saturday. Funeral services werf? held over the remanís of Miss Ames on Sunday at the homo of Dr. Caroline C. Iktsünpfs, aud were lar; led by prominent w the leniperance cause. The servici condneted by Rev. A. J. Gordon, oi uden Street Baptist chureh. üpon tlir casket were raauv tteautiful floral offerings, ainon;,' t. em a cross of white roses and lilie.s from Lády llonry Somerset aml ;i knot of carnatious tied with a white satin ribbon. remaina were conveyed to the Boston A Albany railway station, and at 10.:") were forwarcled to Chicagj. Accompanying the remains go Miss Helen Hood, corresponding secretary of the National W. ('. T. U., and .MIsn Bessie Gordon.
Old News
Ann Arbor Register