"the Rochester."
"Seeing is Believing." jg■■auËaii- And a good amp jdxmBjÊk 01 S must be simple: whcn it is not simple ít is JmjJ(ÏÏSCM &WWUiUVfl not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good- these jgjffrT ffegf words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" Qa lHtjjf y will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, 'fSpSJJMBfly J tough and seamless, and made in three pieces on 1 y , p&:$L:8 I it is absolutely safe and unbreakablc. Like Aladdin's ffi-y of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp,' for its jjét L velous light is purer and brighter than gas light. &&L&& Y softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. 4 Bik Look for this stamp- Tbb Rochsster. If the lampdealer ha-in t the üt-nuin "VJBp Rochester, aml the atyle you want, seod to us for our new il: tlogue, ■WBfvXanil we will send yóu a lamp safely by express- your o: owr ,000 4iyRTllvarieties froni the Largesl Lamp Store in 'the H Z&bBfc& ROCHESTER LAMP ('O,, 42 Park IJ!a .-, New York Cltf. Roehester Lampa lor salo at Adam's Bazar.
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Ann Arbor Register